Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 30, 22 November 1939 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION+ILLUSTRATION]
Ka Hoku o Hawaii
The Star Of Hawaii
J\ <Haolaaia Ka £akui <Haujau —p STaR of HAWAl !.i.K flttd in En 9''^
- T™ mOĀWsrt B,>">A,KQLU M NOyaUB4,S&i23?,
The cf Hs.wa'i ii 7"Ki3h&<3 ir. tbe tcv?re3ts o£ tbe Hawiiiian peoplo « tio— to proxnctiu£goodv.ili and pi ■. ti> laneuaee and tradi- . (•> 1! ths HawaUau peuple
Vol. XXXIV, No 30
I fuhfah«a »ndDedteted to the
' "hīlo, haWau, t. h„ \tt:d\f.sd«-. no\t.mber 22, wm
Thi# »ection ot Ka Hoku 0 Haweii is prlete*l ia ?he rcgii»b langua|tf for the b* sefit of Lhe your.ger ?cn€raīion, mai.y of v hom dc sot r~aō tJDc of their īor<?father.s, and °>'!r Cauca«lan uui>scrlberB. *
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