Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 29, 15 November 1939 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION+ILLUSTRATION]
Ka Hoku o Hawaii
The Star Of Hawaii
Manaia A <Hoo?aaia 3 Ka «CaKui <Hau>ati STAR OF HAWAII (Printed ift English and Hawaiian)
. HItO. HAWAH, T. "H., T'o\KnM".. Nn\'i:MAß \ i.i, iVsV
No. 29
Th« Star of Hawaii is pubHsbei3 in the int>sreBts of īhe Hawaiian people wiib & v)ew \o pjomotsiig gjod\\iii anii pm»ervniK i}n« Janguajff and tiadi- ■*. liawaiian people
VoI.„XXXIV, No 29
and Dedicated to the Hawaii&n People 4 - S_ «»
HltOi HĀWAII, T. H., I|. 1939 , ,
Tfats «eelloii of Ka Hoku O is prtct«<l 1d the Ēngliab lasgi3age for the beneftt ot the youngei geDeratloD, mauy of whoni do eoi re&s tiie tLeir Soref*ilie/-s, our Cauc?-
J.B. DIXON, Editor