Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 27, 1 November 1939 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
* 1 " H3o Philharmonic Orchestra c CONCERT -SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4 8:1S P. M. H3o High Auditorhim Admlssion: 75c and 50c Tick«ls on nale at Hawaii Mu?ic C«,, Hilo Drug Co„ and thf Ticket Committee of Hilo Voman*« C!u!>. WĒIĒĒ/ĒK WĒKtĒĒĒĒĒĒtĒ R ADIOS C*U /or FME MMŌSSTRAtIOS 555 Haili St« Hilo Pfeaoe27ll TA«AKA BROS. ~~l (| SFGRTiNG GOODS | S«ar SdbMcxLV _ iFMCY LIQUORS | FmUZi»O 1 BEEK~SAKE Tl>'E WIILS&V- ' OiAA UQUORS 1 Phooe 9 B!ue 18 Ok* 1 ,r. '- STANDARD SAFETY SERVICE GREAStNG, WASWNG AND OBJNC OPEN DAY and NIGHT KwwA>lttdkt Avt H Hllo iu ?i\n .---,- V - - X - _ _> -i.-i . A <r-
, ——*————1 ! j The White Star Laundry '' "READY -T0 - IRON" SERViCE 1 . ECONOMY—I"Kc «iwll cs>st ot havin£ ihe \XIuU siai t Launary <io youi for > v hi c«n isol W cu d you dto it at home, I SERVKE—Vhc kundi> w pickcvl up fiom \oux Kous« ck!tvcit\l—rc*4> be an ihe iimuu* " the v cr> acxt . j FREEDOM—Morc tmic to spend on ih< thui£> \ou w*txt , . »*- . i ! MeueUi >aui> w uiīK a* j ā|H i m 1 j 4 & 14fe S« Luadt|, J āt KHauea tnj H&iE Sts., or Jtut j PHONE 2000 I