Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 27, 1 Nowemapa 1939 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


THiftD cmcuit <jOyßf ;NOTipE iN DiVORCE OOROTHY KAAPANA CASiMUftA PAUL CASiMURA THB TERJftITt>RY OF HAWAH TO I*ACL CASIMCRA. GREETINO: Yoū are hereby n«ti«ed that the Lsbe! for flled fn th?s Court against you by yottr w!ft> will be heard before the HonomWe W Thonipson. Ju«lrp of the nhi>ve entltled court, In hls «wrr rwm In Kallua. Xorth Kona, Hawnil. on S«tnrday. the lftth tlay r>f TVrfmber «t 10 o'eloek A.M. TV»mt at Kailna. Xorth Kona. Ha *®ti. this 2Sth day of Octol>er. A,T>. im BY THB OoL ! RT;— THO£L C, WHĪTK <»-E-A-L) Vov 1. ia