Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 27, 1 November 1939 — White Star Laundry Gives Fine Service [ARTICLE]
White Star Laundry Gives Fine Service
i llouSewlves n«»ed liave no veortf i about Mond«i- uioJTilng. Tlie Whltt I Star Laundry .will relie\r e them "tīhat Mondaj- iuomlng woriī tnp tbe washlng for them an<! iī satK*h r īow coBt that lt does not pay to do the work at home. In order to properly handle all *f«sses of work wlth speed and ēeonomy the Wliite Star has an efl!ciHlt «otslde staff of "woAeK, fn <9»arge of WilUam F. Sherman, a,»sistant uianager and sales manager, who began his duties wlth this firm orv July 1, thls year, the sai&e day he arrive<! in Hllo. | Mr.. Sherman was a stu<Jeat fpr t\\o >rars ut • the Unherelty of Southern California. He spent twoj years In Hawail prevlous to to Hilo and knows the luundrj- buslness well. He succeeds Glenn Mit-
ehell as assistant iuanager, Mr. 'Muehell havin«" ~receoUi- beela transferred to W. H. HlH's main office