Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 26, 25 October 1939 — Billings Freed After 23 Years [ARTICLE]

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Billings Freed After 23 Years

FUJUiUU J>aWu*N. UU—Wwreuj -ii. imijUjgs Lid lanewell lu F«lsoui| «nwaucity£i , $viūit lo bt muniea. Xli«l eomnule gf lal>or leader Toiu Mt>o-i ms sald ke h oul<l marQ' Mīss Jo-| jsej»lduje oX &iu Fraucioc-«, 1 t & I BilUngs Las receīved iHieen frt»ai] , rtgularii for ISI ~jeaaiuee lke± wiei &t a court! . J«24rietf. Xli£ keariag was part of I v ,uue ai ike.i£ua<>' juit>ve& lo&Oe ia iliel ]ujd£ ū£)n to wlu fr«e4om for Moo-. , U£}-. iu<4 iiilliii£« wbu were giveQ ] .Ufe seateuces a& tUe resuit of tliej . J)piubia«. of tJue Sau Fre , irfiraU«i 23* ieurs a#o. J liiiliugs' «euieiiL-i 1 was commuted; u» "U»e Uiue aerveU." U>' Goveruor Olsou wl»eu tlie state sui>reiue court, jgave its for kb re-' He had spned 23 years. ceutrai flgure of the c*se, was i>ardoned by tbe Govenjor as l.i* first official act. , : | BilUngs d!d not say wheu the; j weddin£ woald take plaee l»ut pre ! j sutnabl> that dei>eutb» oa Low soon | Ands worlL He !earned the ; I watehmftkins u*de iu prison and 'j be hopes to g»t a berth iu a San l p«nciBco shop.