Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 26, 25 October 1939 — Two Postmasters To Be Appointed [ARTICLE]

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Two Postmasters To Be Appointed

New postmasters are to be appolnted soon at Kailaa and Dlaa and compet!tive exfiuiinutions for thes« posītip»s will be held by the C. S. clvil service comtojssiou. The pay $1.100 for Kallua and $1,50ō for Olaa, AppHcants must citiseus who have reached their 21st birthday # but wlio havc uot passed their 63rd. Age Hn\its will l>e waīved for . sons granted veterau prefereQce, and for permaneut c3assifted eiu- ] ploy«'s in the postal servit*t, escept that these persous must have, I«iswd their 70th birthday. ! ApplleaMonp will "be accepted oii ly |>ersous who have actua3ly ' wlthln tho «lelivery of the , for whU h ul>piU*ution 1« I made. or wtthiu the oity or town whore surh o{fice i< >'iui,ttcd. for at I tmp renr !Tnmetliately ing the dnte for rhe o? receipt &pplications. Blanks i»ay be obtained ītvm ibe cOoimissiou iu Honoiulu aud froui Uie posto2lces at Kailua and 01a&.