Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 26, 25 October 1939 — Independent Drive By Salvation Army [ARTICLE]

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Independent Drive By Salvation Army

In order to correct ihe Jjp,yjreV «I6n thut Ihe Sal\at;uu Aruy w|U tnnke hs owu drive at tLe lime sts tlie United Welfare Oet. 23 to 28, MaJor Fred Glles 4 ' says: "Wliile we are to uiake an ay3: peaT to Jhe puhlie to carry on our work, our campalgn īs not, to be held until nest tliose, who of their own acgprd r j*ide to divide their dopatJoixs, giY' ing pait to the welfare bureau, apd, part to the Salvation Army, will.qgj,. be called on again iu _to contrihute to our driYe." The Salvation Ariuy lius wiih-, f fryiy tbc TJpUe4. Drive and will oouduct its own iirive, Uui uot utitii Fehruarj according to Major Giles.