Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 26, 25 October 1939 — Golden Gate Fair May Reopen Next Year [ARTICLE]

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Golden Gate Fair May Reopen Next Year

Dedskra to cTose the San Fran<>!sco Golden Gate Esposition October 29 has resulted in some specu--lation in Califomia tliat It maj- b* reopenefl ne*t year, accord!ng to infftrmation ret i e!ve<! tlvls weel: t>,v Georg* Armita£e, toufist bureau seoretary, from Herbert F. Culleu, manajrer of the Hawail exbibit at the falr. "Mr. Culli>n «nW. ho\v<£ver. that no had beon announml. H<v «*l «n<l travel nnn? aw» wost Jnterwit<Nl In swlnjr tb«> falr eont!hued, he B«id. | In hls monthl.v rt»port, Mr. Callen sald the aimo«nct k ment that tbe oloslng date wouUl l>« nK)ved up fro»« T>wml>er 2 to the end of Oot ober had resultetl ia a subst&ntlal inorea{«e ln fttt<«danc«. H* nM attontlance October S was the larfest for siay tlav since the falr openfni, and that nearlj 45,000 H*rsons vlsited the Hawail butldUi|f that day. Tot«l attendanw at the t&ir September 30 aiuounted to 8,612.722. Of this 2.00T.- «« h«d wtemed the Hawaii bulKlt«*t. Wr, Cull«i resorted that the mo r.S.A.. was stm the | eflt«tanainjE exh!bit at iho faīr I •»« hod heen seen by 474,400 at tbe I •»« of Sef»h»mb*r. Terri(or{ftl Bf<tefite who had re£isten><l at the h«tidtmt numbered 4.1K5, I Nn»erous r<eports for tnformatton oo tr»wil to Haw#ti ar«- »ttH Woelwil followu« tbe sJww> t»t «ff Ot« «k Wr, Cull<N) m!cl th* HatmiUn ma htve « poi>uUr al tr«cctea, &ud h*v« uken pnrt i» a a«mb«r «f on bo!h r* j ««*> aa<j natio4Ml ]