Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 26, 25 October 1939 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION+ILLUSTRATION]

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Ka Hoku o Hawaii

The Star Of Hawaii

•Th« Bur cf Ha-wali ls publisb©d tn the lntereßts of tlie Hawaiian people with a yiew to promōting gjod'»vill aad vipg tha languagf and tradi /. t o ilawaii&n people

to j * j!g'.

mfifMjiii-nfnrīTi!iīīītT 11«",, j5 —- ! ~7" "" Thi* MeO<w of K* Hoku O Haw«U 1e priat»d la the Bagitsb l«jagUßge for tbe |x&Deflī of ti« youi»ger geßeratJon, raauy ot whom do oot read , tiae l&sguftg£ of tieir SoreXatiMM,s, &dl4 pur €&UsHr siaa «übßcrlbere.

Vol. XXXIV, No. 26

T - H -»' OCTOBER 25, »39

ouon. m*i (Vr"' _'■ 1 r.--


</ftanaia A <Hoo£aaia $ Ka «Cakul <Bau?aii u STAR OF HAWAII (Printed in English ond Howaiioni

T,>, PrtAKpi,V, OKAHOBA 25. 1939

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