Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 25, 18 October 1939 — Nearly $200,000 To Be Spent On Piers [ARTICLE]

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Nearly $200,000 To Be Spent On Piers

Accor3tng to Tapii, t^rrl tor!a! eng!oeer for Hi* Uig Itlaisi3 «pj>rox!in&tely wīll bt- siHnv tn Iwprovtng 4oclc fa<?fl!?h i ts h<?re AT>i&at flfs,Wo wnlhe sprnt on 1. «na 110,000 om P!«r 3. Abou? ?1 J, WW wil! also be spent In !miuove m«nts on fhe wbarf at Kallua. īm plans wTn "be ōmwi sbortlv. Tbe money b<-Sssg ?h! vance£ from the harbor eommts?lor ftma and *ttl be retnrned fron Trtrarfr«venaes.