Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 23, 4 ʻOkakopa 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Scientist says 2 per cent of tlif people of the TJnited States are uuiier aiedieal care. Perliaps there is uot euough apple.« to go around. "I might have kr>owr> I'd the cold shoulder," said the ieem»n as he brought fifteen cents worth of iee up the back stai rs. DESERT POME NO. 44 » On tlie drab desert ro(tdsi(.lo Lies poor Sammy Keitli; His oar's upside down And he's undenieath, A Big lsland radio fan has j heard Java on his radio. But, , we'd rather hear it on th"( percolator about 7 a.m.


' The oaly dtffereuoe bo- J tweeu modern youth uiul < Abe Lineoln is the <iif-]

fereuce between the iuidniglit oil ,oti tl»e cablt> aiul tlie gas in tlie tank." The Duk« of Wind«or has be«n to a hiflh officc en the Western but not with a cavalry refliment. His past htstory as a faller-off of a horse is stili rememb«red. When Noah saile<J the oeean blue, He had his troubles, same as vou ; Kw ilays and days he sailed the ark Hefore he found a plaee to park. Th«r«'s X i« thi« t<>wr who hat named his baby "Coffee" s because it keeps hlm avifeke nights. In anotlier few montlis Hitler's gangsters ouglH to be able to figur£ out that the Unite<i States was responsib?e for starting the war and | should be made to pay the eost. 1 Mauna Loa, says an «mVnent j fleoloflist, is a comparativciy j yo«nfl volcano. Sort of a flaminfl youth, we »uppose. Mussollnī is sa!d to have taken up the study of the vloUn as a pastinn\ Surely he isti't plauuiug tl»e ( of Rou»e, such as a certalu oiUei- dietator illd many years a^o., Aute drīvers who watch the | wenery instead of the road are liāble to become part of bothv | L|MMER-LICK | Therv was a young woman uainedj

Max, \Vho niarried a fe'Unv, XhK Na\; Two twln IUHe dears Ar,> their souvenirs. Alrhongh tl>ev'r«> nolsv knicknacks, Sfgn on the counter of a big martufacturina cenc«rn in PīU#burg, Ca!: "B« * s«!f-#tarttr — i 4en*\ make * crjwk of Ihe hea»,* 4 , «eMARANTEID O.K. USEO ! CM&* ] A !.os Atigo!e? fin« is ;luv<Ttisiitg hatKl oārs ut $10 do\vu. j JUid th« wlh>i» Uk* var ? flaīts «p*rt? j A« t« th« ca»«, ih« pre- j dictJo" th*t tht n«xt c«ngr«»« wIU I» D*mecratk h« 1 ee a<s< bv a o*meCrlit Ono iMn* \>r «h« no *»■ īa><<i ofj s«xopliono!? Th<\\ uo\c; lUAKO aio , an(il Miime N *.ho;> *.lu-u.. j And *!enft comes an tg>p j 11*n who tr,«j to «peil b> Mying tHe r«»! ef t "••Mllk*" In Ar*bk lt *«.td m#* l " l«t « >ct Of th« «•••*-w-e! 8 M>r« l»»v«n*t bt*r4 4bcwt it j«l. <>f « vunv,Ār. sbettsd iw refv>rnHH? < -1..' ? «ty» « OMīnlaiHl «n>an * | W<m. «" srt- .w-n^. IEIMV st«gr > .*s\ w ftvr «w o? kloMn.e* Ttw.- «:v r>v , 4«K* th*»


'This tire wjl| last you at least another thousand mile«," SPECIAL OFFER Koko uut.< ... oue year $2.00 Ka Hoku . , . , one year $2.00 Both together . . one yeur $2.00 Wanda Waffieiron says the i holes burned in shirts by c>oarettes wouid feed quite a few moths for qujte a while. FINIS LA GUERRE (Ad in L. A. Record) For Sale — Renl laee eveniug eown, silk slip, picture hai and weddinjr rīng, rheap. Kenwood 4780. "Ev#ryone shmild learn to drive an avtomobHe," says a Hilo deal- - Ye», including those w#»o 6Īt behind the steering wheel. ONE TOOT, TOO '•When ean I get a train to Honomu?" "There's one at one, and one at two to two. too." FREE ADViCE Always shave b*fore you ao to a party — you might want to d*nce. | MAYBE SHE'S RIGHT

Littie Streamlines isn't so duuib after all. She has figured it out tbat if Adam had l>een an American | he wou'd have cot down th«t apple jnrw. atong wīth otliers, to "inij pn»ve" the Oartten of Edeo. I Hitler uyt Germany ean carry j on the war for ten years. That's | hardiy iong enough to Qive the I war babtes a ehanee to get lnto j action. | This year is three-qmirters eone jand not a sin?le I'.HO xoodel of ( autos is yet being shown. A #ehoolboy in th« Baikans muit have an awfu! time namina aii the countries he is supposed to hate. [ New« item; Yellow paint has «9«in mad« its appearane« on | Hiio atree I ANOTHER ON TH£ SOOTCH j i Havv you iiearti the one about j ! Uie who dldu't eome oui j

«>i his room tor tbree days NDd w«s h)utul slttlns on top of hls s«»to««\ with his brow wriukled ta wnoetttratkm, in front of a slgn tfc*t mtd. "Thitik, tev* you loft «Mi,vtiu«gF The only w*y to d««crlb« * Scotchm«n who U <|r«nk U tō »«> ••. h« i* ttBht. ; | itt&* Ouo* «4K>« « titßO ilM»np h m«u who «U<tuT s*j. j '«io»!». | wixh i*d sug«r| wii<>u ii 50w." j A«oth*r net*bt<d «nv*nUon f«r | Hllo motori»t» «a *n autom*Vc t 4Mrktna <iev<ce th*t vuU fliv« *n *i*rm when th« on« hou,- |Ntrk<ng ( f»«ri«a h«* «xisiC«vi. . t UF&''6 OAAK£.«T WOM£M j 'A »«-*» tU«i l£ft . v<v«r 4*pst hat S« tho thosU*r *n<| tW, uuiiaiu* ii»t- v4o«e\i fvn umbt. | Tk» 4iet«r UUU | Stream'ine« th*t *He t*Ke 4 ««* \c}*st, Sc «he'* j «■nt W Cocos\wl .* . fut«r«, j

?«(>. h*n»'* wh<»rv «> ttl! »*>« HhMIL {