Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 22, 27 Kepakemapa 1939 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]
i NOTICE 0F SALE i ESTATE OF CHARLES NAMAHOE, DECEASED I , | \VHEREAS, on th<? day of i Septeruber the \indersSgnes : was granted a license aftd a\Tthorlty ] by the Fourth Circuit Ooun, Fo\irtb | Judlcial Circ\iit, to soll the rigbt : , title and ?nterest of Ch«vios ] hoe, deceasf<l fn aud to,— ī &. Loi No. 14 iu Biock 27 of lUe , W&iakea Hv>use Lols iu Hilo, Haj wall, containing an ar<ia ot SS ( SWO square feet, a3ad tlie d\velling house and otlier iniproveiaeuts on said lot; tli© said lot roore fully de&cribed iu La»d Paient (Gra»t) Ko. 8112 issuo\i lo Charles Nml on M»y 2tst !S2f>; 1 K Tb» (1461 Hpht. i titie aiui i.nt*rosl of > >rat»«lHV in &nd to Lot in' I ¥»kvck of ttn> W#t«lt©« !Housp l-ot.<' j iii Hilo, llAwaii; containiu£ an area ' of sQuar»> f*»et; THEREFORfc. 1$ HfcTU s BY GIVĒN, th»t i will *ril «i puWio aueilon il\e v*o Tot Vo 111 «nd eiw.io-i \ntw&hoo v £ v?j:M' ; iii Toi N\v is., al ) AKkK rXton | SaiuvJa*. *liv tHI ot <MolhV Huctu>n wītt V ! , hcld oii T.ot No. 11 atoros&!tS, vhkh ' h !ocaUvl on ihe O? Itlns t ! no Awuue uiiil Ksti& ihy j | iVm ihe eomin v v . Htus!r-o Asut 1 : ise.i \vouuos. j l »vs*-4v<e the to ivj**ct ( |AU4«U «,ttbtUiUe4. , | lVnn? of uw* ot thc rut\ | «fc»B# mo* to W svat4 vip?vß the; | «Ul O! t!H» tMW#RU»r sn<l Ntf*nc^, i tt> jvttd i\u»nrm»tUMi th<» ; Ith<» Ct»urt.. ll»e i oi (lk« i 1 !*tm! «t )tlKv tfct* i <#*y X. Tv, ' ! |w, n»Bßtms ~ \ | • Cfc»r*t»s Kamaiuw ] •S: s :T tV ' *'«' i
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