Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 22, 27 September 1939 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]
THIRD CIRCUIT COURT ! . ] Estate of JUL|A BUSH THOMPSON, Deceased Fin«l Ao<vmnt of WllHam Thomp i «?ori. Adminisrrator, aad petnion for j allowam e of sarae, determination i <>f t)>(> i«>rson!! entuled to tho re»l ! fst«tf and <listrib\ition of the |>prI sonsil t>M.iw>rty. hnvtns ,n?l ! v>*»rsoiis intt>«»ste<l are notified that. I Saturday, Ootober 28th IĪ»S9 at i 10 o'oloek A. M. befoi*e tlie presidi ine Jn(lsr*». in Probate. of the fhird I Oitv«H Oo«rt. tn Ws Court Kooni | in tlM> Co«rt House at Kallua, Nortli | Kona. Hawail 1? appolnted tlie tlra<? | and plaw for the heariri|r of satd [ i»etitk.'n and actount, j nated at Kailua, Xorth Kona, Ha ' waii. this 18th day of Septemher i li)8a I B\ THK Oi)l'UT. i l»eput.v Oierte, Third Oiivuit Court ROY A WALL fcS-F.-A-i.) Sept. 20. 27, Oi't. 4, 11--ISSS9.