Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 21, 20 September 1939 — Preddent Calls Special Session For Septeraber 21 [ARTICLE]

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Preddent Calls Special Session For Septeraber 21

Oa Weduesdiiy Presjdeßt Roose velt called a special session of eon- j gress for Sei:.kmbe:' 2j.. The proi clamafiou tliO lioi nu-nlion neutral-■ I ity. | j The president already has stat- ] i eō informally i.hat he ,would seek ■ I repeal of the arms embftrsro and try! to confinc tho ses?lon ; to fhat ae-1 tion. He asked a gr&up of botli| KeiiiiWU'an ;md Penioi:4atic parties, of botU tUi> senafe an& the house,; to meet him in oonferenef on Sepj ] tember 20. ' 1 Tn a T"iiited Press dfspat.ch froni Waphinpīon. Senator berald Nye:; I eommentinE' on fhe apeelal sesston t I said: "I expeet the admtnistratfon wlll contend thfit every voice rassed in «pposition to the ddniinlsfrntion'P wishes is pro-Hitler." He said the administration vfould seek to submerge indications of how i i deeplv the United States wou!d he involved "if xre permi£ ourselves by any degree to ally vrith any European interest." The White House proclamation merely said "puhlie interests require" the session,