Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 20, 13 September 1939 — Perhaps He's Got Something There [ARTICLE]

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Perhaps He's Got Something There

•N£VV l'OKK—iemei tiiy Lealtli| « ounniw»U«iicr Wi'Ulii; vkarOtd ] tlie Aiuenuui ugiUUbt 100, upset y\ vv tHe wur ,ue\vs frgBij Wynne fears that if ihe puhlie j uik«s the UfV, a Loo serioiisly the i wilī get a fcad ea»e of war jitters. To offmt tbe war n e »yjj, Dr. tening to liglit radlo progrftms and seeing aniuiated movie cartoons. Said the former healtli commissioner: "Huuioi- is the be«t antidote for i Mmiii, lio «ee Mickej . . , iisteu io swing musn; nver the radio and keep jour meo-. tal halanee.* } -n„l - - ] I)UUMSELLEIi, Canada {UP} — lt has been dis<rio.sed that Paul | <tUT<ler, Chaucellor Adol£ HiUer'£ | iiuiMeUiale superior officer <luriug j thi» \Vorid War, haa eul4sted in liie Cau«dian armj. , Gurtler was bom iii the Sudateo H<* eame to Canada after the waf» was naturali?ed and has l>een workin£ in a eoal miue.