Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 20, 13 September 1939 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]

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FOURTH C»RCUIT COURT ESTATE 0F PHILIP A. V»CTOR, DECEASED j Plnal Aocount ofW. H. Beers, Ad-| mini?trator, and Pot!ti6n for allow»ac« ©f same, detemtnatlon of the porsons entltled to the real estato j and distnhution of the personal ptx>-; pertv. having been fi\e4, all j>ersons inter*sted are noUfied that, Monday, September 2Sth, 1959 10 o'eloek A. M. betor« the pr>esldtOß Judge, in Probate, of the Po\irth Oircuit Court, in M« Oourt Kooui in the Ped«rai Bullditx& Hilo, Ha waii, īs appointed the time and pla<c« for the heariag ©f said Uon. Daie>d ai Hilo, IUwWL, thig 2lst d«k\ o£ Augu&t A. D. 1959. UY THK COL"RT, A. & CARVALHO d«rlc i By A. E. WEIGHT ] ! Asa*t qi«x%. Foorth I Ctrouit Court | Aus, 23, 50, Seut 6,13, im |