Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 20, 13 September 1939 — US Watches In Far East Crisis [ARTICLE]

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US Watches In Far East Crisis

WAHHIN«iTON <UI»> —SecreUry of Statf o<ijdell Ilull t«īd (hcpreßSs Thursda,v tlie U»lte<l f*tatf>3 Is glv--Ing full tttten(i«m lo (IpvelopiaentB in the Fht Ka«t. «nj«*h'««; (hp .Tapa- ( npse req«e>;t th.'it the British anā ! Flvik!i \vi<htlruw t \nned foi'<?es from | Uhina, ami siiiii dcise _stuci.v of the : siiuation \vould oontinue. ! HuH replierl indireotiy to a q»es- ! t!on as to whether lfnited States' i Far Eastem policy might change i shoulti Br!tish and FTenoh oomply !wSth the req,uesl, Meauwhile infonned persons be■Upvp<S aollon at prei sent mon» ' than •woTfl«!. | Tt w«« pointed o«t tHat the fle«t | »*niafns! in Pae?flc watM*s. whlle fhe I USS Langley \va>- dispatched tr>! Maniln. !t was believjed Far East-1 orn pol!rics wonhl bo unehanged 1 rause the rnitod States IrfuUt!onal-i ly hfts i«ore direet syectal !ntoreetg: there. TTovre\-or, 11 wn« po!nted out that Japan's request fo Britain and, Franep was not l>ellicose and eould not be terined as a formal demand- j 11 was l>elieved it was more a mat- j ! ter of plaeing the Japanese desire on reeord in rase of future negot!a.' ' tions. . i i ' Some Far Ka«teni oh«ervers be- ; lieved .Tapan's> pollcy henoefoith j is !ike!v to he more oaXitious, parti-' eular!y «s attainment of large pro-j ; flts from mnintenanoe of neutra!l- ] I ty wouhi depend parti,v on nonnal | I tra«le re)ations with the TTnited i ; States. * ] !• | i