Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 20, 13 Kepakemapa 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

This ls jus;t a snpgestion liut it riiiīrlit )>e f<»nsirtere<l favor;ib'.y aftor this new world war tnvds,. wben has lieen wMpiieā again. D;vi<le the rv in h;\lf. ,sriv(> oiw lialf to \vh;u t;enn;iiis ;;rt j 2eft aiul the other iialī' i<» ihe .Knvs. That will bf oiih \v;iy to svttle tho ,If\vish questiOTi. T!ip ,lows oan start loaning nioney io tlie Germans at l>ig iJiterest an<l ♦n enttuilly own i īho othor hrtlf. j STRANGE W(VĒS j With Roger Pryor | Sign jn front of a Hilo Theater. | SOURPUSS SAM SAYS:

"When a man couies o.ut witli anew auwiuobile it <to*?sn"r īndicatt*, ihat iie iias become prosperous, a? iuost people think. lt more . libeiy tit«sius that he is thal ' Uiin h \»ore īn debt." 1 H«rr Mitler M«ms to have mis taken the dov* of peaee for a DESERT POM£ No. 41 I StaHed on the desert ls poor Reggie Bruoe; | TUiugs went al! right | TiH a out worked ioose. Dear Koko-Nuts: Wh«re do ] you get your best cracks from? [ —Interested reader. I Nut»! Gerutauy ls reported as usSnp large miuil>ers of dogs to hunt Polish sples, beeause the <3ermans ttiow dogs have an un<"anny way

of finding poles. BULL-ETIN

Herr Hitler; "German> is prepared to on the war for ten years, M oiio Ūii»g n)w»ut this war. dis<wmtg;i»g. MaAn\umtior>i ts an v>U{ ('iiw, iu Mie Star lUilleUn, Yes, \>xn V>y mnv sVie prot>ivt>t>* a daughtor !!: : u is won UK»rt» atlnutivc. Now comes the story about the Hamakua Scctchman who we"t wtth a fri«nd on a <ifinkitiB part>. H« provtded the hou« while th« frtend furrii*h«d the Uquor. Ai ju.> rau> it uiay Uo i«\vssary to » -i ivw \vt»nl!t in tho on<v warliUK' suU£. W<? mlght >Uggv>t tbv jister«tiouj. h? SOīO*P !ik<? ttus: .Maitau»i.soi;o ,\rtuonīiors, rurlt>& vous. ftvi« Amwnii^, l'«riea vt»us, fivnu Anm l iiti< l! >. Ha-»t a »>U ili >oars. Huskv dj»k> vo« v , *USS»ANS «!TTJNQ T|OHT ~-N«w*p*js*c h¥adu««. W»»l. th«t't b*U«i thAR ha\!na tl»#m mnnl»»8 *rou«<! \n <>i>orai^>r^ 1<» d\» lStoyv da.\<v t\tsVs. T> «ot ur I\ . t vfe to»r? 5 ruts «hvsr 4tc»xws? tho )* > tmsr-,* a'.Hl wK«t<»vor -i of iot!««r> ;hoj yot 5»0 tfeo i..»' iio o( a '-''W!;, rcotvnt> c<aus !o iV*a tt f r.ii«M*n.-Nr. ShrMt?«. W»j\kvov. yxj*|vv < ys. Vu«\ KrwA»\ »♦»> «imil* A« <jf*pe*d*k'e > w4tf» lUty

lieports froi(i i?erma» sources as t«» tlie nunil)er of l'«>Jish pianes shot • «lown <iai'y mak<' Japan's Domei I !«>»J; ijke a piker. American ambassadors to £u- ■ rope should always keep their baggage paekeoi and be ready to • leave for home on a moment's , notic«. I SHE CAN ASK THE CUT&ST | QUESTIONS

Liīeie Stre;iMiUnes. tho office iniei!oeīUf)l. wants to know vvhere she k'im huy u eouplo of tho?e Rome- : iU'ilin axis she"s heard so niueh ' ab"Ut. 'S!i ( - says.she wunts to glve : <>ne to of hor hrothers so they ! •-•aii < lear tlie gwava l>ushes froin 1 tho luu'k purt of tho!r tvvo-aore lot. j | i Hiti#r has gorse to the froi>t to j personaliy iead hīs troops—from , J the deepest dugout he ean flnd. j If America sets in t!ns war, Ko- j . k<>-Xms i.< io volunteer for' [servit»e with the YMOA. Tliat's tlie | outfit that keeps fanhm a\vay j froni the front line. j UMMĒR.L!GK j TboT>> \v;is a young Oemmn nametl } Who weiii to Ihe <fronī feeliug ritzy, But iu the front llne Somewhere on the Rhīne A Frenvh she!i hiew him to bitxT. 4*kU. Amaa >.... _ 1!^«

1339 TaDie; onee «pon a tim« there was a war and both sldes to?d the tr«th about themse!ves. Tiio t\iostioii is: How ean the īrish romain n*nnr:il whon tliere Is ■ N!irh n L'o.'i' fītrht eoine on ainonsr ; Uu>ir tH*i.irhhor*? We wene just wondering jf the i HaHan flag wou?dnH look more i approprjate fer th«t country tf it i h»d p lt»r§e stHp cf yellow *rt lt, J - ' ' t4 Cheeso ii!" said tho Dutchovon whoii Mtoy s,n\v s» foreigīi jj»laue flj ine o\'or ll»tplr oountry. Th« C<fmans are a?ready eonvrr»ced that they have run up | against an army of fjflhtīna Pole- ■ eats. } 1 Srliooi ums iv<»j>o»od. Ordißar,\ j po<\ostriaitv must now «.\mfine them. y<»tv».v ;<) ,iv»> ot;o «i(lo of Wainml- - ntie stm>i .'uul K:imohann>ha avonn<» < l.i»iivwii >ih<» h»nrs ,>f -S0 t»nt? S I on M<<ndavs Tnost?avs, Wo(ln<*s<,l«y. 1 Thnrsilavs mul Frulars. lf th#>y j xv{uts ?U ko ;ui,v\vhoit» \vtthoo( jjetj M«s oaxifht i» h trafflc jaai. ! 1 V£NĒ2UELA f»ROCL AI M S i HER NEUTRALtTY. — Newspa « per hea<lline. ( Now jf iMt we.~e only «une of i U6eria and PaUeonia we'd f*el j *af« <n b«ttinfl Qert»any won*t j win th« war. 1 WOULDNT YOU LiKE T0 ft£ A i HEPORTE«.

Sn;'a!sUu; w' * uoftii43&4H-r ro4K>rt o. ;.> lU' rsdū» IW**, feu* au wl,iob iss ihe ;ls, \\;,r y,4 ilu «»!«(, A <i£ I*o u \\ T'.." ;#M buUrtiu wa* U'<Uii SV ,\ dv>W>.v\ īo 4 Vft >&. <ta|«r uj» W«n4«r if v\t;: ;;tiU * r.cvi kvjs*vlv d*< 4«^S«»s

"EXTRAI £XTRAi" ] h<sir<i th(st oiw «IH>U( . ■' ui,a 4 \\i,v> a> W&wikea Houk II*» h 4«u«hter tk*n»*3 E*ttw. J ,r3u miwi- nu&i* OWCSIKV>« wnstv nU«»«u«s Kxtrau Ksira" iti frxHH , IM* «<l«r M fe«4 rHmij *rfH Rttsfcitt|j lt> lb« *f!o W *hoat*<l: «to ,vou w*m EaUm-| *u th«s u»if af Uh> »l«ht UNIOtNT)FItO IH*AHt 1 •OMtS OtNMA«K.~*t*«*>Aj*4 , i 1 <\*tUr, J i*. 1 JWM « wlnwhK W*nj W koi tn! * «w-i» w«3h n feu&. | ctv» h,- ii [ ■- ■ |1