Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 19, 6 September 1939 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]

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FOURTH CmCUIT COURT ' Estate of Mrc. NaleHehua Male, Deceased

Teti!ion having ec 81ed by Caa.ries B. Maiianui, stei>soa of Mr?. Nalellēhua Hale. decea,s>~u, for :Ue a|'pointinvol <-■£ himst-If Adminlstr*tor of the EaUile g£ sald I Mrs. Naleilehoa Hale. Deceased, | THEREFORE. noliee is ! given tliat at 30 o'eloeU Ju !M. o» Tuesday, October 3H 1935. befpre ! Uie Juds« of tbe Fourth C'lrculU Terntory of HawajU In his Court Bwm. ! in the Federal Baildifl€. HUo. Ha- ! waii. is appointed tbe t\mt aod ! rlace for the hearitxg of sai<J peliftio«. ? Bnt«Mj at Hiio, HawaU, ihls *lfit | <iay of AaguBt A. t>, IIS9. ! RV THK COt'RT, i A. & CAEfALHO. ' * Clerk ? By A. E. Wel«ht | Asßiataut CJerk, Fourtlt Olneuii ' Court. ' | Sept. 6, 13, 201939. . —

S#ptei&ber 30 for the islacd eham pM>jisiup oii Octt#ber 7. Distxist suP*»rvisor» ln eharge of regiBtralSoii» ineiuoe; .Wyron ]£hf>r«vood, whov»ill receive appllcatioiis &i Hiio Dru& HiJo Chambtr of C«BU»txce iiilo Klk* «.iuo &uā Hijg Couuu > Uut>. Hmuak.iiA, _\Viiliaaa. Omh. a< * liooooiu Sugai €o.; Hostolta&, X?l t Uiw#iiCv yai t€i\, Kt'iiiuA. ! iiowuiAU ai Kuh&la K.«i a«t, David Frā&*t ai Capu Cook CofI fee Kau, Jo?epli Bructs »1 Naaj , Voicaoo, J&m<-s Hig&£hida n\ j Hiwaii Naiio&ai paik oā'i'.e, Olaa. I (A'illiaiii ai Oiaa Sug.ai ,Co. j Coniestants are asktrd to furaisi! | tbeir own carus and cribbage bo&rds. \ i)islrici cbaHSpioa& wiU receive f tuwdsi>iae iodi?idual pme& vhIW ■ tbe islanti ehami'ion will rtcvive g j toeauiifui iropby.