Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 19, 6 Kepakemapa 1939 — Cribbage Tourney For County Fair [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Cribbage Tourney For County Fair

AiHjoOftc#to*st was madt* today a HawaH o«uoty fair crlbbage tournam*nt win be beld on tfc<* «re«Jag of October 7 for the Big f«land e!»ainpion'ftli!p whieh will open to both sexes at>ove 1S years of aare. Thero will be 110 miulred enti-aijCf or r«»glstratlon fee for the cooteet. Tbe fol!owlng districtß wOi tske patt: Hik> includmg Wainaku t.tantation, Hamakua (Papaikou ibroufrh Kinole); Honokaa (L«upahoehoe through "Waimea iaclud»ng Kukuīhaele); Kohala, Kona, Kau. Volcano and Olaa {Inciudi«g l'ona, Olaa village. Keaau, Mt. View). R*jrls!raltoa« wlll elo»* 9 on Sei>!eaiber 6 at 6 p.m. whllo eaeh, dis trlct muat ho!d lts ellmlnalīon by