Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 19, 6 September 1939 — New Athens Club Opens [ARTICLE]

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New Athens Club Opens

Hilo'e new entertai»Qieiil teutfi. Atfcen*s Club wSII be rormal!i Baturday <»venlhg, S?c»pt. 9 »t 1 941 Kllauea Ave., fortnerly lbe old Can&rlo home. The new club Is worthy of the patronage of all people who wislj to sj»end an bour or two iu relaxarion and at the same time enjoy srood mtisic and danclng. Th« club is under the tnanagement of Jack Conway, fonnerly of Ch»ca«o, who is a man of large exl»Hence Jn clubliouse manaeemeni. Mr, Gonway will also bave efcarge of tb« preparation of food tnenus. The bar»roora is a model of beauty, wiUi bamboo decorated bar. All kind« of mlxed drinks *111 be $erv ed, The bar will be in chargt- of 4ohn Urbatch, recently arrived from Honolulu. aud who is an exīwsrieacefl mixer of popular drinlstt. Vhe public is lnvHed to the openinf Bat«rday night, There -will btapeelal muaie and dancing.