Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 19, 6 Kepakemapa 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Questibn of the day: ''What's j the Jatest war news?"
K<.»ko-Xut> lio im> di«<'o- - a way Uun v.il! sin't>dil.v end «ny funher :itr»»mi.u to start a war tn Euroi>e. He suirg<*»l> Tl)at the I'oles htre. n t<K n! s\vuis l>ands aml ;>os;t iliem at iīUorvals ol H>oo yanls akum' the front lme aml have tlunn piuy i'ie sau.io ji"n>>:i , iu!is iiie,\ ]>lay ov«r thv r«dio, li\si,jr <>< i\\en(>f»ur ht>»rs t!u- r,rr,;,;nj wii! bc i:(>adiiv4 '.ti\v;irtls r.»>r!in ::<U'i- ihan un„\ sUH«i<inc: s«>!<!i«'rs evt>r fiavelOil bf'f()ro, l'ln-i'i' yre >onie thhigs rhat ov«:ji sho <:orjnans.cairt stand. If tliis doesu't at ouw prove efft'ctivi'. seiui over Uie r;ulio announeers wiio stop iu the middle of a broadcasi aiul >ay, "Wo'll bo haok. in a niinuio w:tli iaere The j (Jei*mans witi have a good hea<lj start beforo tho Alka Selzer burp ] S«-is to tl;e «'iul of iis ni£htly ūzz. | NOTHING GETS PAST HER j
Little Strcamtlnes, office pet, etc., read iti the newspapers about that Hawaiian swimmer who was attacked by Portuguese men-'o-wap in the Molokai ehanneK She says she can*t understand how it happened because the last she heard of the Portuguese navy was 1932 wt>en it started for Chsnā , and hasn't been heard of since. j DESEftT POME NO. 40 j In a desert ditc-h j Rests the oar of Ben Neal; Tri('d to driv«i 'roun<! a turn With one h:uitl oii the wheeL D;ES TO HEAR NA2I SCHOOL ACT|VlTlES.—Heading In Honeluiu Advertiser. That seems so unnecessary, when so mueh Nazi propaganda is being scatter#ci aH over the world, (UeniinUHl frojn last week t° rtTO('t OtMMr). A s:uv v\c l\:iīe l-!d \ <. omts ; H< .. * _ U wiīh H < . r<iolsl" 1939 sfm!:e; rank as the odor frem the Wailuku river. \Vaiiii:s \V;UVK*iro!: sa\> shv ad;::ir«w ih< sp:ri? lh;U i«<lv l».v tht> njHi!o cf X;ui Kinu' ī>; showing by > \< r:: H r;sh!'<>;uis of riot' to tlH> h»i?i<xry in 55hi»Hghat. ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST There wj!i fe*f mueh gossip th-oughcut the onited States about ptcmi»er!t peop'e duri(iQ the !atter p*rt of 1540. Being the wili be under about th#t īime. this !* * !eretāst we cars ret> en. M» , ,v lhr W:, wli i<« >».«'' h, vuv •tu iho Nii HU.al iusnt i$ 1 l( <k (~»^r. SOU«FUSS SAM SAVS;
"The th»«g t>® ltt»ct i« lh*t t!'e> prc\ <J« a m«*n« tif findiīi,j ewl j«tt how l;ad iom* foiK» aif,' ~.• . i» -•»■■> n ti»m lh«?tv w;>- ~ .> ~-*i »!«■ - » >> n ■* ~ '.n k" NtV> VOSS* ! »* St r N 1N FRANCL,— heaanne. n\u*,\ be *som* W« thov9'-t thr v!* ) «a* ,n Cperm*ftv ! '•. w \ K ,•,, j. l.< ?,r- n u . • \J. i.i,ihom 1 iI.M iHr C\ni« m u n"i< i»' <H, i 'N'H! »kih <Vt.' i» ' . , l 4 n « $!'
::wful liar. The iron in He«ry Ford's famous "peaee ship" is being melted ?r>to bullets. That sounds some-. j what iron-ical. | BULL-ETIN
•Tliai's Uisi tnu<; I'U ever siira a »ote for ariybod,v." FOOLiSH QUESTION NO. 99,706. "Wi!l it cost any more to send thjs package first class?" Oii a hospiīal cot , I.ies pi>or Wi!ic Hiivs; l>rove sixty an lu>ur On' tires. Anether mueh needed invention is a gadget that will prevent post office patrons from backing up against the mail boxes and reading their letters. A statesnia» is r.no who wants to Ho snrnpfhlng: fnr his i'Oiintry. A polltiHan i« ojii> who \v:vnts hiii coniurv to do soin.'!h]ni; for him. s!anila RuHetln. Tht war wl?s not starl untii the watiens invo!ved ean decide whieh one is going to bt b!amed for after it is over. MORE SCOTCH THRIFT It's no use, tliey \von't let tlie Scotch alone. We refer uow to the ra< e. nor the hererage. A <lefitiī!»»n of a Seotēliman uow goiiig the roun'Jtf reads as fo!Io\vs: One who, ii)vHt>d m> to a fi-ioni3's housc for n drlnTc, s saltod i>eauuts to oat on tho \va„\v Boston TransorU>t. Perhaps the reason Premier Mussolini hasn*t had mueh to the past few da>s is that he feels hurt because Presider>t Roosevelt w«nt ov«r hU head and sent his peaee t s Kina Emanuei ifistead. Oh, yes, ltaly has a kinjj, VornioTiH ;oi; "ilatvh vluok ons whilo you in oue of our aunīuaom." W( H, we doift exactl.\ faucy lt as a bt-il ehaail>er. It's too uiiuii iikt tn bod Wiīh tlu* oluekoua." To fill this spacc We'd wrtte a vers«, But eaeh atiempt Gets verse and verse. lii l»o-.-n.- t !K radi\> couuvUvd ! *> 4.« utnicr ,» lxMtrii \n- u Uum* * s .tu«\lls:iiK n'iion tu iVi»i «»rk i i SI!S H-J Niuol» ohaiuv of Hne ;!„> a ir. īt weuidn't seem sa burdensome the landlord would chtrgc ue Hr the garage and throw in the ho«se,—Vancouve.- Sun. (To be