Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 17, 23 ʻAukake 1939 — Suggest Joint Bargaining For Marine Unions [ARTICLE]
Suggest Joint Bargaining For Marine Unions
WAJ3H!NGTOn' (l'l 1 )-Pre*Sdeut uurrmi ol; ll» 1 nuiu'iiul Marinjut' Uuion sai;- lli.it th£ unlon vml} i)rtn>i>st» nf » sSm g<e nar;onar eonmiiUee to negntiate joliifj.v with Ka.ct Coast and West Coast ei»plovers. l!e admitte<l, hnwevpr, thfit there t»Tol»nhly ls not sufrii-jent lime for suoh a move to cucoeort rīiī«= year, f»rior to Sept. 30 coi)t.r;i ct espirations. l*nder an alternative proposal, nniotis on tlie two i-oa»ts woold keep la olose ooinsultflt!on r«»gaSrtTSnR proeress of sei>.iralc t ona. nnd m» 1 »'! Sept. 20 In San Fr«ncSsco to rp\lew tlielr dta ~nefrions nnrt to natlonal pollHea. 1