Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 17, 23 August 1939 — Black Submits Lowest PO Bid [ARTICLE]

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Black Submits Lowest PO Bid

E. E. Black's bid of $16,000 foi iniprovements to the Hilo post off ic* \vas. the lowest submiUed. kocokl iug to report from Washiiigtun tliii week. The next lowest was frou R. Sasabi, of Honolulu. who bit $$16,500. Bl&ck is alxuost certaiu t< the contract. Amosg the lmi.)ro\emt>ms lis!ec is the wideillng of the road at tbc re«r of the buildiag, so as to faci litate loading an uuleadiog, to 5( feeC Tfae present width is ouly 31 feet The COD deimr(meut wili bv ou larx«d and will uudvrso other ini |>i-ovemt*n!s, «s we!l, iis tlie aiouei aiā<n (k'im£Ui(vu(, a.ud 300 ii<;sv ls<)k e:, will be added. | Tlie melal doors at either end ol i the eorridor will be reylaced with a [ more moderu tyt>e. I 1

j PEIPINe (UP) — The Japanese Ki«bassy on Wedi>es4ay extended a

<iuult!k*»i aiK>i«»g.Y for u TUMitsiu in 4iUeut iit wliU'h a Japanese seuir\ iirs. Frai»t?es Alary Riohard sa 'iNne apology was uiaile bt»fore tli« U. S. Kiut»a«sy iwoeive«J an officia r*>|.»ort oii liie matter.