Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 17, 23 ʻAukake 1939 — Civil Service Rules Published [ARTICLE]
Civil Service Rules Published
Laws and rules |joveroing tht civll »ervio© of have just beea pubUehe<J. ; Accordiag to D!rector Georgo C Hewitt the clvil set»vice law pw vides three ways whirehy a per.soi: ean secure employmeut witb tht county. The first is by regular appllea tion, whieh is explaiqed in Rule IX | the second is by njon-competitiv< feiaflimaiion, as ia Rult X, and the third by, separate lisit ot applicaaons for aU kiuds <-■£ labor afc provided under 4ule XVII. I For all applicants fegistering uu der Rule XVII il is! opUonal witl ■ thr ' conimlsston whether an appli 1 cant shall be examined. | The rules and appeariug to ] day become eflective after Augus ī 31. Notices for Cutur|& examtnaUvii! will appear date. The reeolution aiithorising th< county to employ any and all Wi»d/ of labor pald on a per diem basii adopted July 24 will terminat< August 30, Mr. Hewitt said.