Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 16, 16 August 1939 — Ernest Lilley And Family Off To Coast [ARTICLE]

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Ernest Lilley And Family Off To Coast

1I , | Mr, anii Mrs. Erui st A, Litt<?y ' ' their nvo ch',Ki!t v n. snd Miu ! jorie. osi tlie Ww3in#"Stlny t steaniit»t' for Hom lulu routc to ' tlu*{v m«\n un itw ' A lnrjtt> rrt»v< 1 of frlt 4 nds vas at ' thf> do c k to sco thom o!f and they 1 werv> literally cox**rw3 with flowt>r ? l*i&. ! ♦ : i Mri I.illt>> v.as director of tbe HiU> w.<il la£t i j ... ,