Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 16, 16 August 1939 — Rest House To Be Closed Temporarily [ARTICLE]
Rest House To Be Closed Temporarily
I Heiuiquarters Hawaii N'ations\l Paik announcos Uxlay t}sul d»o to nnnual ropairs being ui:uiv on lbo Mauna tr«il and toloiilvono lino, the resthouses at 10,000 feet anO summit of Mauna Loa will be dos ed to the public uniil further notice. !1l iiiouia Lukt3 uam iu U> two vreeks to complete tlils job and ; dno 10 coi!i!iiuod tlron&lu thero is not enough v.ater to serve tfte woik ei-ew iand ttie i»viblic duriug Uii? period. |