Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 16, 16 August 1939 — Accidents Lower Than Last Year [ARTICLE]

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Accidents Lower Than Last Year

īiithisrrial accidpnts in the Coun. ty of Hawaii nurubered IsS4Sl s S4S in the' tisea! yc:sr ondod June 30, a de- ] rrease of 44 froui tlie 1,592 total in Hie provlons perlod. Mr* L. H»ze! Bayly. Serretary of the! Hawaii r<»unty Industrial Accid«?m 1 Board. reporte3 today to Acting: «4<neri,or Clmrles M. Hite. Total con)|x?nsation payiueats forj {he yeur, iiicluding death beiiefits! ūi six ndjiKiioaUHl faiaiities amoun ; ieU to 551.0i7.5u and iotai imnUoal and hospital exikHi£o!i auiounu-a to ] nr a t<Mnl of SiSi,Oiaoa ' this Miiii, <Muipt»ns!atlon awar<s I *'<i iii >iT f«tai a<Thleats aiiiouutt*<l \ i tM wiih thtve pen- ] | m»»g nt the end of the j-oar. C<mii- ; j f or total dSsabniu\t suc-' | by |»artial dlsii- 1 I "ihiy was awar*iod ii, 43 c uses io ! <H«* nn>o\mt of S2l 7&\m, w Uh atl «Hiional mMieal aml | viw imwni* iotdliQc $S,SW tu ! t thesp ra««»s I | r,, r it „ s j t HsH(ljJi- ] ■ t\ n..f l.\ }H«puifti,c»it iwr ! 4ia! <tt«*hlf!fv anioununl to tl4, • hoipiial' j ■s»rvW *nd ' IWWU» Ono of thesw enses ! «n wh!rV. iu ts>- ■ I*l d«*a??! »ti'< yrrU>,g Hiort>' th*n *!*' mAnths aftw th« lujnr B v, *nd in thls .-»«,• th«> eoni}x»ii!«st!o{s! tol»l «l|AabiUty («1 1 f7M&L trifh W4ir>«l *od ho«|<ttml' *n,t 1.Hm11i,,: £lsf> 1 «ftt. V - 1 j Y»1« » r [ i vi«N. 11 b«vct>iu] &h?s ' | IhM (W «*Xj «•*!>*-« Vif | thl h s v vartoy» ! i***m *m * vo«ira, t um i 'k*** ilu- 1«) ' i »«it> nui<t«> f»»r Huri«i] «-*j*awV' .t»iitUlUtHi. *TW MMi» J i M ** uf 4vi uot U^iu.. 4 " Wf»Unt fl t«r <y, ih*f h<*vt«|tst« HI.«J |4JM«I«I.K; 1 •«*- u t ( to €^i 1 I