Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 16, 16 August 1939 — Change In Tax Rates Locally [ARTICLE]

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Change In Tax Rates Locally

iax Assessor Lanee Clark an-iii-iii.ei'u Tuesd;t.v i.-hanires in tax! i:ues eiTi'vuve as oi Juty 1, j io accoiuodate loeal tax payers in faiing their July taxes due on Aug. 2a The gross iiKonie lax lias been incre<»sed to j»er v'eiit, witli the exeeption of the tnx on wholesaling, pixulueing aiul manufacturing, whieh will remain nt tl)e presem r»te of % of 1 per cent. j The consumptioii tax liits heen j iiK-reased froin I*£ to per cent, while the territorial uneinpk\vment relief tax has heeu raised from of 1 per rent to six-tenths of 1 per cent. All those who are tllltig the!r tuxes for their Jut.v busit«ess are retniiuied that these i-liauj:es are now in effect mni slioukl he carrled out under*the law. These taxi>s are due on the 20th of eaeh monih.