Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 16, 16 August 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Tliis is Prof. J. Basßwood Dingle, | musiciaiv soldier, \vriter, poet,

si.)ort.smun, ba d atljuster and iionpi'iil aīl rouad ««•mul |-f-llow. who, i5 heud of the So-! ciety tor tlie Sup-j of Saso-> l")iiones. Fro f. Dingle jlames tlie saxo •hone for faeing (he cause of the

present-;!a:- woze lor £v.ing musiiuud tliat it all tlio saxoplioues iit the 'woi'W vvere i>laced end ī>> eud in the middle ol' the Sahara disort- it \vould be a good Unng. As a niusieal anstraineJit, Uie i>ro lessor say< u woult? have been \vonderful bul fov t!ie unfortunate faet tlmt it fell imo the hands of niorons who haven't ihe alillity to Appreeiate the meaning of real nnisic and wlio are using it as an instrii liieiH of toiture 10 make neivou* retīts of folks wlio have. Played hy a nmsical moron īt is ihe most olTen.si\e aiui irritatu.m in smmient ever iuvented, No, the saxoplioiu- was not de veloped in the Ali U'an jungte. il was invented bj a Euiopean hy the naiue of Adolpli Sax, after whom it is named, with the best of intentioiis io\vurd3 īhe musieai world. It wās . invented by him to filL tbe gap in tiie instrumentation of iarge orche.stias and \vas toned in ihe same pileh a.- iiie human voice. In recent years ■ H Uas £alleti into evil ways and has been niade to produce the most de- ] grading noises the world has eter heard, Had n;ventor kxi"*wii how its purpose u <i& to be distorted heiiever wouid i;ave wasted his time. and if he were alive today and eouhi heai* it played ilie modern way by nitwits who make up the' pereoiuiel uf swing bands he would probahiy feel so ashamed that he would go out in the back yard and shoot himsi li. No doubt he fre ; quently turns over in his grace. Tlie sasophone is a delightfui instrument when oceupying its proper piaee iii the musieal world but it iell into bad eonipanv %vhen it was adopted by tlie nigger bands down south who .sianed all this hornble craze for wend and excruciating noises, knoun as "rhythm" or "harmonizlng", Then ihe morons of modern "music" copied their Afriean bit»thers, and look wliat has h;ip]n>ned! Mu siahas bee» ruitied Tho wor!d iu«y never fully i'eeover frosn Ihe bstd affeetn of sueh h mustenl ahoiiion Wlthout tho saxophone .swiiig mu sie probably ne%« r wouhl !ia\t bi-< u develupt d and Ihe nam<> of a gve.«t lnventoi wmihl not have heen d!s eiedil«'d. Prof. DingU> n»aking a nohh' ef fort to emandpate the sa*ophone and clear tho nnme of J<s worth\ in ventor. If he succeeds, DinKh J, > owri nam© will go down tn history among the heioe» of th> aml folks who appreeiit<c real musle w (J1 set> that he has ii niehe in Ihe h«!) of fanse along.-ide tha! et!i. r nt emM>c!p«ior who the &!aves by * clvil war. Kv«a if li U nefegsaiy «o start *Oother clvll wat u» rci«o\e th!e met>ave to c!v!H2ation, and m-ovf" Ihe «oeial sli\toding ef t!n. pbon«. 11 will be w ell woiOi it | II you wam jo free the woiUl fion ! [ thiß terrible n«Ssance t j«tin T\'of .1 ' Ba»swood Dlng!eV SocJ» tj For ih. m u *ur *> neoe#,sitvr}- * ( o ' !! entlrel> m»t!l Ane £.=t.et,i | tio& btq*l up, lay Hbi>ut on. hun dred or ,w, ttu *iil tlm# !o P .m\' ttM> )Mld R of ft mu>le*'! ii* »«ing. f«»r frM« h ib. t phou*' I»' rj Ul«, | im lo a of &: «*rtoa« Hilmeli! !» U n^.d>ajy f >r' fkbi'«»fcian reniove tis,. j of the aWkUon ? If m«nty j " m **** m, ! H tmmt gtv*t 1


"I have always treated that man as though he were my own brother." Changing The Subject The Scotch Way "! 've see2i better s, sir/' said the tramp to a Hamakua Scotchman, who replied: "So have I but I haveua* liine to disetiss tlie weather tlie uoo," said S.tndy, as he siammed ihe door shut. DESERT POME NO. 38 On the weird, windy desert Sits lonely Joe Black; His spare tire dropped off About twenty mi!es back. Another needed inveutiou is a gadget that will uiake pedestriuus move faster while crossiug safety zones. . Mrs. Harry Fonda cut short her honeymoon trip to Bali because her husband showed evidences of being too fond of the Balinese girls and not so Fonda her, so she packed up and hurried home to get a diyorce, (eaving hubby there to enjoy himseif. ..She said she was having too mueh *'competition" from the Baii women. So keep away from Sa!i <f you're just newly wed, Because the giris in Bali May make you lose your head. With their Biggles and thelr wigg!es And enchanting goo-goo eyes, lf a man shōu!d !o«e h!s w!!! power f lt would be no great surprise. ; SOURPUSS SAM SAYS: j

"It always makes me nervous when I see folks driving around in a midiget car. īt gives me a feeling that something is draggiug on the ground." FOOUSH QUESTION Ne, 9237 4**at why i& Mn, S»-and-So so eletermined to accompany her hutband to th* Maui L«aipn conventicnT Aft»f all» Maui isn t Baii, SHE»S PLANNING SOMETHiNG

ī.itTtr p:n<am!fnv6, lLv- '-'STsu br.»lns Im>. Ih>« j, 6 o quī«.'L «ill th:it w'i- i-iiii'! iuh!< vln»n s!f<- >v ihe'a citiivt polnp tu a,vK foi a laĪM' yj bu.> fr|ond 5* oiu i.l lowa. 0. īuai bc she*s jus? tUicklag aboul w hat a !ovoly Mr»f> ?he> !nad on hfr "annua! VRfarlon ** lMt »lmlic Aa e*cUed «e £ Lejji enn»lre tn « emp game. Tb<" worst f«tturt» tif « iam ls tht< sUly «&* wbo nnnKii Jior« h<Mifcine will h«lp 'W8 f*bKs; "I*ll WB<| v«»u h eWek tst m> suU&riS|iiiui» b, iort- Sa<ur «V," Afi M4 tim*r }« one »*h<s c*n fc*r wh»n *n Am«i<car> «ja»«< ««« w#ftfe »n* huntir*<l c«nit. *• IUio»«H IKUttUUtt L!!l> «i » | & tUr Uißt «a* UiiU* iu eliīmi h<; ««iW. K*e» MBnrv i ui* «n«ii 4« Uie U«ix)t>ti ol Ua^. et 1»»««« wtio nTmM! le gl\i ne*» t« thf lōtA* » » U>« t< <r#b *nd t hī H, ;

I A*il W. w* r („1 ihim «<•«.*, '