Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 15, 9 August 1939 — Senator Hill Wants Check On Pensions [ARTICLE]

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Senator Hill Wants Check On Pensions

At Weduesday's uieetlug of tlie board of suj>ervisors, Senator W. 11. Hiil urged ihat a close olieok l>e iuude ol oounty peusioiis. Hill reiuurked fßat at ilie present Uiae liie county of Hawaii is pa.viug out huge sums whieh reallj shouid not be paiel. He backed the reiiuest of Chairmau MerriU, jCarlsu«th ol' the couaty peuison boar<3 i'or ilw creatiou of the offioe of pen sioa board secretary to promote a tuoro eil'ieieui eheek on peusious. He i>oiut<Hl-out that the l;iw clear ly staīes that uo pensi,ous sliould bt paid out to people wlio are work injr aiul re«'e"nlng good salaries. H< cited one instur.ee where a foruiei polioeman drow a peiuiou 01 $07 r iiiomh from ilie v'ounty wīiile druw- : injī down $150 on a job. ; The was taken uuder ad visement.