Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 15, 9 August 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
DESERT POME NO. 37 On tho parrlu'<l Kau cloesrt Sits t\vo (ired lntch-hikers; Everj- eai' that they halte<l Was driven by piker>. REPUBLICAN SWING TO CONGRESS SEEN — Newspaper headline. Gosh, ever» the Republicans are becoming swlng minded. BULL-ETIN
This is one wa.v to tlir»iw tlio buU. 1939 fable: Onee upon a time a Hilo man returned from a trip to the main!a.njj and didn't make a statement on business conditions the."e, neither did he say he had a wonderful trip nor that "I am giad to be back in Hilo." A ScotfhumiJ wlio s\valknved his colhir-buttou luui it extrui-tt?d in an oiieiāiion t'iylu .vt';irs iater, anil startiMl lo vvear a cnllar again. 1939 simile: As easy to pay as a bilt for taxes. SHE WOULD THiNK LIKE THAT
LiliU* Stthe office "nngel" witli diny wings, Jms just dis«•ovor«nl wluu a terniite really is, l'p umil uow Klie tliouelu a teriulte was u politiriaD. An old timer is- one who c«n remember when Jim Jam Jems was the popular rnagazjne on the news stands. Kome K»wbnnv jokesiuiUi is agaiu uiiikiiiii iH' jokes ;tlumi ihv lrisli, h\s ;i!l i iiilu to kkl the Ssytcli, but tliesi» Liii.v-< h;iw just lay off us Irish. Hore is oue that lias beeu jiassod urouii(L iowu : I>ri'mitiou of ;< Wlieel 15arrow — A i ontruption tnvented to teach the lnsii to wulk on their liind legs. SOURPUSS SAM SAYS:
The p"e«ent statuB of lit«ratur« eannei; #ndur«. So f««K of th<«ē who knew dirty stories ean wr?te. \V.ijiiJii \V.ifflciroii \vhere the l'-i/ii-iin VaUift-s uw |»K> f«»r :..vt _\i.w sU- i> woinhring |f i> maik» iheni i>\u*. We can't h*lp but admire the manly appe«rance of aome of our (Uppeii. these cU>s. Aiul ilio īlHo LPgion wltit wuuuhi !<i ii tr«ī> >li(»uiii«K uuilii. uniil hnf f<tund ouf liiol Wliat he iUou;;tti ho wu* ithk« i «i ti» ji < r;ii> »hooOlii( outfit. There is no truth is th« rumor that Postroa»ter Devme has re fused to dciiver ntal3 lo tl>e Kau m*n* Qolf cour»e to thost m*m b«n w»ho ftpe»d ot!l thetr limt th«rt. THIS WE£K'S OUM® ON£ i iu' wiio eauwlia ii«m <•!' wnr a.\xm ho iii whim iUl»nrtVy, We have yet tt> »#t a mih **t |«9 »h*'V. but yt«tf!daj *** * bi9 m*n ««llhe Hs)u W"'\f jiU arnijhtl lUWWU f*roin l*ana fo iihi l*«Htihan, Hut *b«> H»UU1»« >1 !>HH! lo arhf on I- «J iUul ho*.
i L|FE'S DARKEST MOMENT , When ycu have just five mi- | nutes to cstch the steamer and I every bus and heavy truck seems ' to parposety get in your way. ! : " . ' f " * j astrological FORECAST i l>uiiuy ihi* cuMngurauou . tliere i is a teiideuc,v for uioiioy to l>e close, i Weli. iliv elilei' ji u-is to us the I belU'j' \\ e wili bc. | "lt's all in the oame,'' said the ! hunter as he started picking buck shot out of a pheasant he had just shot. • "Whai did \ uur u i:«- s«y \v)it'ii ytui i'aiuo hoiuo m>u-i il i,i>; !isked the brot!ier Elk. "She uēv«r p:iid a \vord. I was to h;tvp th<>*o ont tooth tsk»Mi ont :myho\v." The safest svay to cross a safety zone in Hiio is to eoiwinee bus drivers that you have a stick of j dynamite īn your hip |jocket. Ililo snvels utv i*uutuus For thoir l ;t ,-k of yelli!\\ paini, Y<m try to park \\it3iin liie Uues . l*ut tliurs jus-t \vln*re iliey ain'l. There is no ti uth in the rumor that the ship that was bringing a !oad of yellow paint to Hilo for delivery to the county road department wassunk en route, Nippou hokls a C!iinese eity Whero Johu līull \vus §ittiu« pretty AnU enjoyiUju' it s delights, Exerci,<ini; s t juatterV right& | Added sin*ite: As si!ly lookjng , as the grin on a female crooner's ! t 'aee. J That ear!y morning odor that t has been annoying people iately ! isn-t decaying vegetation after al!. j ft is on!y the radio program. , i No. no N:inette! You talk oui iou.l iii the sliow.