Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 11, 12 Iulai 1939 — Coming Attractions At Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Coming Attractions At Hilo Theaters

PALAee THEATRE _ , Today, Ust tune "iaisG UF vcitU Bogart aud Kay Frattcis ] Tomorrow and Friday "THE STORY OF ORAHAM BELL' ;with D<m eho, Li>retta Young and" .Jī?nry Ponda j Saturday Only h ßī!t]t\r, f«rmr' M-tTh Robort YOonp fc«d Annahe^a Sunday and Monday "OKLAHOMA KILV- \vith James Cagney and Ro«»mary Lane. Tuesday orily, n«xt week ■back; door to heavs;x" wuh W.iliaee Ford. Patrichi ElUs and T!rwiti ; W«dīneeday Onty "STAGE COAi:ii" \>ith Clainj Tre vor aud -lohu \Vajfm» ~. . _ EMFfRE THEATRE.... To4a> and Tomorrow OF NEW YORK" \vith 3ackle Cooper and Martīn Ilaan Friday OnJy • TAILSriN" wilh Aliee Faie» Const:!n<f T?<nmctt ana Xancy Kells\ Saturday 0»i!j "KOKĪ'MIN* \o eHIKAI" \\itU Sa, rm Shnjs. Tsiknsu,gi Sunjie aml Kaiii!yrtinu Sosjin

T»\TK KYokXKōKV l' wilk « < ,i»f J;ij»a«ese plai*ers, Sgnday Onl> , *VA\t"Y ntiK\Y, ]>KTKCTIYE" \rlth IVtrūt:i Onuivil!t? aud FraukSe ThMiws •\m7ONA LEGĪOX- \vith G*org* o'Rrien auO Johusoii. Monday and Tuesda,y -M*ASī.ANAX AT BIRHE,N" wllh n ' «>} .if Fnīpin<j j>fas-ers.