Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 11, 12 July 1939 — Don Blanding Dedicates Poem To Old Hawaiians [ARTICLE]
Don Blanding Dedicates Poem To Old Hawaiians
Don Blanding, Hawaii's own p6iVnow v'lsltino In Hilo, has finishe,d 1 a and dedicated it to "those oid Hawaiia~n's you se« slttina j ,6rt tht doorsteps oT the !ittle houses ārorrg the road in Kona wat<jhiaa life go by, smiJing." , ■ „ ■ ■ , i. * Here's the new poem: Tutu "Tutu" is the affectionate Hawalian name for arandparents or very otd people.) I wouM grow old as you are o!d, ITtUu, Seasoned with loving, mellow with gracious 'giving. I wouW have hair like your grayed hair, Tutu, f!ich silver thread a service stripe of living. I wouW have eyes like your kind eyes, Tutu. The veil of tears pieTced by gay Iwinkle. I wou!d have lips that smile lilee yours, Tutu, J A line from Life's rich story in eaeh wrink!e. |I woulei look haek as you look back, Tutu, ' Remembering all the good, the rest forgetting. Jl would face dieath as you face 3eath, Tutu, ! Grateful of heart, undaunted, unregretting. I -±-Don Bīanding I J«ly 9. 1939