Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 11, 12 July 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
l'miie Minister NevUlē CHatuber-! lain *a>s Britaiii svill "tuke any <teps n*nessary to uiake its attltutfo iu coimt*i Uo!t \vith Danzig absolute1> ciear." Even to ihe exteat of giving Mr. ] i.itler bis uuibrella. GOAT GETTERS Mr. So and So is "enjoying his annual vacation." 1 <»:.{<) Fnble: Onee upoii a tiuje dier<e \vas a pedestrian who crossed ;i <at'ety zone and didn't stop in the vniddle of it. DESERT POME No. 33 On the lone Kau desert ls stalled Willie Blair; He has four good tires But forgot his spare. Dritain Iseady For A< - tioa If Danzig Taken Xewjipaper headiine. Pliooey! We ? ve heard that one before. Another week and Russia won't have any planes left, at the rate the japanese lare shooting them down, according to report. SOURPUSS SAM SAYS:
A diplomat is a man wlio poars .hanaua oil oti troubled waters. The Glorious Fourth took a day out of ōur schedule, and the think-tank is kind of «mpty, so wt will have ;to ffll thi« spaee wīth a few jokes vve took out of a magazine. Professor — "What's the mascniine for laundress ?" Student—'Chinanian."' "Where is the population of Hawail the iiīc>st tJense?" "just above the e\es.* We know un ansto<.T!>tic girl whose family oame over on the ••A P ri! Show«*r" — n month before the Mayflower. -Is tliere uiueh graft in this army?' f ••Oh, surt>. Kvcn the t>ayonets are "Did /ou tak«- your vvife with you on your inp 1 ?" "No. it xv;)s a pleasure trip." SCOTCH JOKĒ Some girSs like the Scotch way of making love — you get very, very clos«. HYMN OF HATE A truy \v«> hatē ,?u!mny Oarrle; lle nlways says : "WHI. I <houl«l \vorry." BULL-ETiN
"I n»vtr fail to salute when the b y " «W : Ah hniW vvh»*ti hī' gi>t» a iww sat>scrttjt>r. Canad« To Contro! Radio Sta tion«, —Newspaper headUneWt hope v*e ean get *eme Ca nadi»n «tatlon# on our *t»ijrt wavf r«d)o. And ww hope th#y wW b»r ***hiq \untt anō crppners TAK»NO NO CMANCEB 1
|.Sf(U" i!»r (liHl Bit> rtl'P f> ' ' J - v l,> * i'" t}ir 1,,t " UW *«a.v. vV ' r\iJ?n!ns rt-vtrtr
ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST The seers predict that men will en joysth , emselves d'uring this eonfigūration. Ah, the wives are away on vacation, MarshaiL Takes New Army Post. '- lieadline. We liope it \vasn't the ,last post. The new cigarette and beer tax is keeping the pennies working overtime. And so. to līll out tlie re.sf of this i uluiim vve're going ti.> !vj*riut a fe\v uiore juko.s tlmt wo stolo from a magvtzUie. A furmer huu retunioil from a visit to New York. "llow is busiuess in the big city?" ini|Uired ouo of !iis rrouios. 1 "Terrībly dull," \va< liis reply. "I ( stui>d oii ihe eorner of P>roadway and Fort,v-second street for liours aiīil didn't see a load uf hay moving ;aiy ,ivhere." Yisitor "\Vlmt heeauie t"f tbat <uher \viudiiHir tliat wa> here last ~\ ea r 'i Far»ier ~"Tlh'lv \vas oni> enough \\iud for oue, j#o \ve teok it down." Boss—"When l staried in business for myself. I had n.ithing but riiy intelligenee." C!erk — "Gosli. t liat vits some suiall bejrinning. M "Here's something ip)eer," said ihe (lenfist. "You ?ay th!s tooth has never beert \vnrke.l on before. s>ut I find srti;i!l flake>- of gold on uty iīistmucient." "T thit\k vott*ve str\iek wy bftek eollar hutfon," replied the vietim. Sign on the road to Kapoho: SLOW DANGER \ow that the Fourth is over, it isu't tw soon to begin wōrry!n{; abont t'hristmas. Spirit uf '76.