Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 9, 28 June 1939 — Money Comes And Money Goes [ARTICLE]
Money Comes And Money Goes
A'ILANI'A — Here's a jottiog from- the lessons Mlss Mildred Rorafh has pieked up along her path of life:
■ l, Moftey nmy eome in tlie front (!oor. bnt the grentest percelitage groes orrt throntrh the liitcheri door." Miss Romfh ought to know. Slie has climbed the ladder to a viee ■ j>«*sMwiey of the First KatSonal Bank of Miami, Fia.. in the last 28 years.
"Women spe«d the nioney" she pofnts owt. "and are foniSllar witb thei latpst bnvsng methods, vrhether it's stoinfr to the market with hasket I in >>nnd or the more hrightly-oon-I <*eived met)iods oT h\isiness ventures. A woman spen<ls mone-y and jrets value reoeivtd. Gone are tlie days wh™ a -woman wa.* hēlplessly 1 lnadeqiiate to the irrohlenis of ha-, landng her hank ao» ouut. She j i knoiws values today, whether !t'? on ] ! the co«nter or paper. I Misp Romfli weiu to \vark for The I hank 28 years ago l>eesm*e ?he vras offērwl a good salarj'. has seen l iife through all the wlntl<ws of thls hank and knows every ,jol» froni tlie rumier*s> to tlmt of thc vW presldent. Beoaose of 111 liealth, she rerently surrendered her ard\ious duties and today she is n" '«mk scont, toarEntr Stntes an<f firsthand informatlon on mothods used hy rtther institution>\ S)io deiiared in Atlanta: "I dld uot cnter tlu> h;itikhiß' huwith an.v idea iU;i( it wou\d
lir<tv»' to ht* nii int»'n'slinjr and thrilling oareer for mc. I haw heen at the nunih*'r of women worfting in the Atlanta t»anks. It seenis perfeetly natur.il for a woiusni to he \vorking in tlve hanfe, hecatts* from instinet she knows how to handle iuoney anrt halanoe books. It's a domestic trlck tliat all women have to leam. Some of theni >\re tnaking it pay them divUten<ts in the suecess of the!r johs."