Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 9, 28 June 1939 — Three Additional Rangers Arrive At Hawaii Nat'l Park [ARTICLE]

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Three Additional Rangers Arrive At Hawaii Nat'l Park

Superintieadeut Ed\vard G. Wingate announced tlie arrivāl on June L<j ol iluw ol Uu> toiupor:irj' ranguiipoinu'U 10 assist the regular siit)Y in coi)ing wiih in(:reas»?d snm»u>r tru\yt t<) Huwaii Xatioual r.nk.

lu'. Fvi>d il. BulUu'd is iustructQr ot gt'ol<>gy, iuinerology aud petrogruyliy at the UnLyerslty of Texas. As teniporary pai'k ranger, lie will comributc> īo the iiitex - i)reiatiou of volc;aiic phenomena l'or tlie puMu'. Ile receivecl his Ph.D. deyree from tlu* ruiver>itv of Mi(.'higiin ;ind has liiiu experie»ce wit]i the United Stutes Geological !?urvey in Alaska.

Lnst year"s visitors to Hawaii National Park will be pleased to lenow ol" the return of Mr. Ralph K. Sliaver to the Kilauea ?ectlon for a «eeonil sxutimer season, to the post of temporary park ran£ei\ Mr. Shaver li;isr attended Pnke University and Catawba, recelviug from the 3atter a Scieiu-e A. B. degree. The <ea»'hinji nf srem*ral ««'leiw-e s«hjects In Nonli t*iirolina sr*hools aiui past experienee as ranger in Ihe park make M'". Sliaver a valuable suuiiuer addition to the staff. The third man is Paul H, Baldwin of tlie l*niversit,v of Hawaii. Mr, B!ild\vin was employed in the park last suiuiiier as C<V senior wildlife t'oreman, in cliar,?e of ornitholojrical research. Mr. ftahhvin s home is Herkele,v ī'alii'omiu. wiier<' lte received liis A,M,. degere from the rniv. of Califoniia in 193(3. l'"ro:u to īlie pres ( mt he has ; heen emp!oyed ;it the Fvuver>ity of ''ttawaii 'n* «yradu:ile' as<sstanee !n " hiology. Assistant to Hu- Superintendent Moomaw and Mrs. Mooniaw returned today froni a 8 months* trip !o the iiiainland. Tliey took delivery on a new car in Detroit an<l then drove lo their homcs in Virginia. J u vtsii wiih paron!s and in Tioauoke :tud WehmonA

thcy drore haek a--ro>-s thc conti- : rent. v!SĪtinjr Ye!lowstone nnd ] o,rand Teton park< enro\ite. The : Mo<mi:iws :itv» a>- h:tppy to reaoh shore« ajr:)ln ns they \vcre whon lamUnp here for the iō-<i as malnhinis. j