Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 5, 31 May 1939 — Spartan Band In [Illegible] Concert Friday Nite [ARTICLE]

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Spartan Band In [Illegible] Concert Friday Nite

The folk»wiiiir prosrrani has been announoed for tlie conoert at Mooheau park. Fridav pveniivj. .Imie 2. by the $ixtv-pieee SparfatT band of the Hilo Interniediare si-siool. under the direction of Urban 51. Carvallio. from 7;30 8 :30. 1. Hawaii Pouoi. 2. of ilie excerpt.s from Haydn, Brahms, Wanger and othors. & TriumpUal Maivli froiu Aida. i. Svlcction Siuiplu-Uy— n. 1.00. 5. Novelly- BoiH>s Trembono — Filliuore. 6. March —Weleome. Tlie concerr will be !>roadcnst over Klllie i'i'um 7:30 to S :00 It will begin promi»tly at 7 .:!0 but only thc first half wīīl bo broadc:isr. The puhlie ls co'dial!y fnvitod.