Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 5, 31 May 1939 — CORRECTION [ARTICLE]
HoLu {iulled :i hoiu'i' lasi ; weok wiien \vo said Frank !':il<hvin j was maii;3ger of t)ie Maui A.m'ieul- | tural Oompani' aiul we make huste to correet. Uie error after gettiiig a good bawliivg o«t from L, H. HolIsteln, our Maui representativ«\ l' Mr, Baldwiu īs wanager of the J Hawaliau Coniuioroial auel Suga'r-| Co„ of Puunt?ne, 3latii, not rtio Muui AgriiuUural Co.. of I'aia. of | whleh Harr.v llal<.lwin is nianager. | Parclon our ignoraiue. We just j;ot n Mttlo tnixod up and wil! more ciireful in tbo future.'