Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 5, 31 Mei 1939 — Anniversary Edition Highly Complimented [ARTICLE]
Anniversary Edition Highly Complimented
il:my t>•. have heon j received In tlie o.mmi£ceniPiit 6f Kn Hoku O īlawaii ovor the &Srd Annivers«ry Edition, whioh ,xras puhli<liod nn Apri! 20. lt prores thnt people arp ■!nterostod in thf sueee§s of this newspapcr. As an example of tlie m<?ssupes of en<H)oragement we re<'f!VP on alrnost pvery tnnll vrp rlpnsiirf in pr!ntlng two or thm» of them for the henelH of our readers. San Fnmrisco, ("nHf., Mfly 8. Mr. J. R T>ixon, ('imiialion Manajrer. K.i Hnkii O īlnwnii. V <». liox 1004. Hiio, Hawail lK';ir Mr. Dixon : TVp aro intero?ted !n w»ce!v!nsr Hm* Anniv<»-snry E<tltions of Ka Ho 1 i O īlnw;nf. I know thesp \r!!1 ;tttraf-t n lot of ?nterest and we pan assnrf yoij that the copies will be <iistributetī very judir!ous!y. Tbt> papors urrlved tortny. M«n.v thanks. Aloha! Ver\ sln(H>rely. (S 1) 1! l'. riLLKN, Managt>r, Hiiwii!! K\posltion rVimmTHo<>
Honolalu, Ma,v 10. ISBP Mr. .T li. Djxon. ('inuliUiou Mnuager K« fi<tku <» Hawaii. f. o. IK>S HH>>, Hnwaii Mr. J >ison: I m«i sorr.v tluH 1 wrijtr>n i you iM'ion» i-ojnpiimen(i«g y«u on vour Aunivt»rK«rj E<tltion of Ka Ho Isu n Hawwli au<t tl«uti|ting ,vo\i f<»r tli*> whieh joo »eat a*. To\» wrininlj w\«' th«* T«ttri*t B«rt\nu m t«W »n<t hy «sm« s to k«M wf* ai>pnrentiy o«t ni.t ifrJ«ih wiiii th«> t*opy ;vt' BPfit. Yfo wiii di*tribut«» t»M*se i»aj»ers «.» Msitors wim art« imwwlp*!, i»nvl t«rtiouturi> to tho«se wp srp tr\ing t« imlui o i<> visit tlif !«ian<J of !fa i waii. \vhi* h. of a!t | of wl»otu wf conit la «wtai Oi>Mj£rimi!Miion* and Aioha ; VVr* ' Tourt»t l*ar«a«. i (SigiHHt) T. Armttap*\ j Eir<*uUvt> S^-rftary !!«>iM»lnln M*t 1« 1(W Mr J 11 IMn.m, v.u» iii.*? i'i ? ■ iiiai Ti f ?! K« iioku ti llawiiii. I* u Uos i »it.>, ilawaii I l*H»r Mr T»ī*fvn; *lii<!. >.m hav#> tn >Wi» «il*< Kii Uoku «> llov.it iī " Pl.'iiM' j.nt it>.' <I.>%vr. m>i<*- r1 j*ti«'t> īu thi* pnWlmlloi», ftk f«»r *t>. !«w>«i hislr»r Wniik ff 1 ("vī . .i. !i a* !t vlt!\
»ufl»iottl <«tt. I Uitv. *'lt' ' U*t*t j i«-' Utiitatu vVrb!> Miii. miH i\?:- J rva4 1 *va furt ; th*i M*Whj«4>cr u- « 4A-st | l<« hrt|> 4»n*iT\ c U***lUv! ' i', ■» t ... , '.. /, ~..t < i } „ t^ f |i.HU U«*. f.■% Uset4 | !■»**!* , } i 4l«4t* .»*» i«w v I L JI ( I.KVA\, ?« I ! *\4kMMivJ , r l|t M _ |