Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 4, 24 May 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Tlu? vliiunciml siii(ld( v d \\risi \v;itch > goes to tīi(> I-lilo t';itlUM' wli<> uavo! ;ijīs dau«lner a gooil li<.king whon he lioanl her singin:i- a swinir tum\ Aūd "lie i*romis*vl lu<r ;i \vofso >>no if he ovor oatohes her nt īt ;iir;iin. īiumali for i The little Asiatic !<ingdom of ' Soio has a new sultan. What we want to kr»ow now is if it is proper to eali the people of that country Soloists. ; DESERT POME NO. 26 T\vo c;irs on the ilosert i.ie an<i torn : . SpeeUiny 'i'ou'Hl u Hliml oarvc< ; sCeither one hiow its hom. ! The Smith Sisters, from the mainland, are visiting in Honolulu. No relation to the Smith Broth«rs, of cough drop fame, ( how«ver. | YVe shall not )>e al>le to.enjoy' uniil FvaiK«»".> \vido\v n Ils StaJiu 4>n lu* deathbe(l that llit!er. has heen assassin!Jted at M\issolini's ftmeral.—,T.A.t'. 1939 fable: Onee upon a time there was a finance company that . didn't force payment from the eomakers of a note when the original maker failed to pay. THE WISE QUY Ue lies oa the pavement Stumied, mangled aml proiie; lie totaUy ignoreJ The mai'keil satVtv zono. 1939 Simile: As cold as an old ; maid'« kiss. Ktng and (>ueen of KnglJind were deiayed tnpeo iia\> on their irlp to Amerioa l»y n lieaw I'ei'hai»» the weatlier man 3us| \vanted to give them a hnle t"ttc:i >vf tīie hoine j atmosphero <>f "deah ole l.unnou"" 1 to ket<i> thein from getting homesick. I : ! BULL-ETtN ]
"Siflning your name <xi thīs do- ' cument is just a mere forrria!ity J ' simply as a matter of record,'' ! TRAGEOV ! <)utsi(]t' tlh j W !iu;<i\\ 01« ii iHuU Oiinn-il ,( myi ;>,li I'ir«! m> !'a{ ; A |ifOWii!if? »j»olu*d liuu - • N<»W lu'\ itisi<lc tlif cut. j Anothcr necded inventioti i* a ( device that wili autwtutical!y
pay n-.onl!i!y dues for iodge members who have a habit of forget. ting. ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST i;urih<juuU> «lu>i;ks will be prethroug!iout the \vestern he- ; u.-plK'ie duriug configuratlou. W'oll, tliis iiart ol ihe liemisphere . lo be geniug ■its siiare of t!l«Ul. LIF£'S DARKEST MOMENT Wnen your monthly pay-check doesn't arrive and you had planned to take your annual vacation next day. SOURPUSS SAM SAYS:
"UiL'i'e'* .uotl>iug like a pair of aiv.lies to niake a fellow feel lazy. A lot of folks around liere to be aftlioted with tliis ailīi.em, e.sijedally WPA worbers," , MUSIC WEEK ENDS—News- I paper headline. Does anybody around here j know when it started? j MOBILIZATION | T'ho <*ouutry is safe. The 2DBth i iie?;. Hawaii National Guard ]jroiiiptly answered an emergency iest eall Tuesday iiight in Honolulu. Mor<? than 500 guardsiaen resI>oikk'd and were is full marchiugj onler \vithin n eouple of hours. Ita-' iian, (rena.un and Japanese newsl»ai>ers ple»<?e coj>y. AFTER THE IRISH AGAIN Alf of the Hilo post ofti« e. a vruck at the Irish this w eek wiih this oue: Iwo lrishnjeu were about io ruu a ruee to a certaiu tree by dillereni rou:e*. Suddeuly Mike slapped I'ut vn ilie hai'k and as>ked liow they wcre to tell who reaehed the deslinaiion fsrst. After a mouieut'£ t!uiu,uli( Pat aiiBwered: "I tell yez, Mike, if I get there first I*ll make a mark uii that tree wlth this ehalk, au<3 il ydu get there first you rub it out." Greece is call?iig up army and
navy reserves f«r maneuv«rs. That*s when Greek meets 6reek. , HA2ARDOUS PASTIME I
—Piioto by Koko-Nuts. Thls is the tired Hilo business inau who sj>ent the week-eml at Kaa, fishing. All lie eauglit was a a terrible sunbuni aud three from yellow jarkets. And to luake niatters worse he dropped his hottle of "bait" ou u rock and the ante got into liis sand\viches. Try it again sometime, big boy. Mainiand co!!ege students have been eating goldfish. snakes and worms, but we haven't heard of anybody attempting to swa!low a live dquid. There's a liQUor joint in Houokaa that gives its customers; a pair of bird« \vith every highball. Two . swullo\vs. MARCH WAS A 'RAINY MONTH—Newspaper headiine. Somebody , s telling US. ConsUntine Umaasky is the new Soviet Russia emba&sadc>r to , the Unite4 States. He is already i heresky. What Umansky! i . ■ r ■■ . "QUiCK, GET THE SUNBURN REMEDY!" Groauing aud grunting Ues poor llomer LLning; Went s\viiumiug ali day When a hot sun was shining. Wauda WaiTleiroii says swing is uotiiing new iu her fnmily. She had tw<» uu<-les who \vere fouutl s\vingiog hī ihe eml of a rope.