Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 3, 17 May 1939 — Coming Attractions At Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]

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Coming Attractions At Hilo Theaters

! PALACE THEATRE j Today Only *,YOU CAN"t HONEST M W' \vith W. C. Fields, Charlie ilcCarthy and E'dgar P.orgeh? Tomorrow and Frlday ;THE BEACHCOMBER' ' with Charles Laugliton and Elsa Laneliester. Saturday Only "SOCIETY LAWYER" w.itli Walter ridgeon and Yirginia r>nu'e. Bun4ay and Monday "TUUI2E SMART OTRLS OROW

witji l>eaniia Purbin, ChnrJes JlVimiinger and Xan Croy. j Tuesday and Wednesday, next week ( ■TARIS lION'EYIIOON'' wiih P,inff Crosby $nd Franciska Oaal. eMpire theatre Today and Tomorrow "SPIitIT OF CCLTER" with Freddie Bartliolomew aiul Jaekie Cooper. Fri<Jay and Saturday "ANO PUSON<3I WASAK" xvith Ti ta Durau and Jose Inigo. Sunday Only "MYSTERY OF THE WIIITE KOOM" wiih Bruce Cabot and Helen Maek. i>OUXH OF ARIZONA" \vith Charles Siarrett, Monday Only -SUBMARINE PATROI/ with Iliohard Green« Keiiy. Tu»»day Oniy

1 "EVJ£K¥BOI>Y'S ItABV" wi<). Tlio i Jones Family j"TJtWGKH i'ALii" wiili Anhue Jarrett.