Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 3, 17 May 1939 — Celebrates Birthday And Mother's Day [ARTICLE]
Celebrates Birthday And Mother's Day
, Mrs. ,?o!m S. T?lrkMrd i-Webrated I ti«>r Wrti birtJMl!H on R,itiir(lrty, at thf» Rirljar»l imnw on Kinoole strwt, wiUi a few close frieuds iit a diiuifr. Altliougb M:>. Hiclvfir<Vs birthd:iy was F''iday. M;iy 12. H was oelebratod ou Saturday, j llay 13, siuoe XlotUer's Day was on isUialny, Thls was iu tlie nature of botii the observauce of lier birtb- • afid M<«ilnn-> l)ay, so it was doiidiHi to have the iH?lebratlon in be Uie nvo days. Mrs. Kickard m»elved u i)umt>er of t>eiiutiful presouts rrom lier fatuily and frieuds. Thō»e |M-e!?ent at di»ner were Mr. and Mr«. Harry K. Bpowu, Mrs. Flo- - Like, Miss Liko, Mrs. FA nwml. Mr. and Mra. A. K. 1», Mr. and Mrs. G«orge Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Clumg Akana, Owrg<» Hapai. Mrs. ltt>n KtHijj and tlirec |ohildrpn, of Kohala, L»r, Chu F. ranj?, Mrs. Kiean«r Morris, Henry and Arcliie lienlemau, Mrs. Mary Oho, Mr. and Mrs. qsrii Broderkk «f Oina, aii<l tiio Ri> kard famiry.