Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 2, 10 Mei 1939 — Mooheau Lane Is Resurfaced [ARTICLE]
Mooheau Lane Is Resurfaced
! At last the road departmpnt lias ' fixed the ro:al lea(ling int«> Moolieau ! Parb. known as Moohoau I.ano. j For years tliis lane wa* a ! of i'huok lio!es anil \va- most air. ino)ing to iH'ople wliii wblu'(l to 1 !>lri\v their »-ar into tlu> park fi-oni! Uliat slde, Tt was; also a MihHoup J !'to the r»aviCM oompanN truok*, j j 'Pho doi»ariuiont (ou"k a 'noiion ln la> a now surfaoo on lt j | and >Ud u gOcnl jot>, pi'oplo | ; oan ilrīo\or it withvnit dan&or of" . ltiv.'ikiug a spritig or t\vo - ~ aiul! ovoryluHly happy. |