Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 2, 10 May 1939 — Lorrin P. Thurston Appeals For Kokua [ARTICLE]

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Lorrin P. Thurston Appeals For Kokua

Lorrin P. Thurstou's prujeot<Hl plau to preserve the legeuds aad tvaditions of old are golng ahead very satisfactornj, with nmny of tbe tnost prominont citizens of Hawaii Nel giviui: their hearl,v endorseuient. ! Endorsemetu of tiie territ«rial sienate l>y rest">lufioii, ii friendly lftter I from Oren E. 'l-oiig, «iilWrinteiuleut of tl»e depitrtment of puUlie instruetiou, the l»elpful advice as to probiejus and pUfuHs as outUjied l>y Mary Pukui, Mrs. Laliilahi \Vebb, Kenneth P. Kmory jmd E. 11. Bryan, Jr., all of tlie Bishop M«se«m staff, th«f wholeliearted endorsement of the plan hj - unan_Unous resolutii>n , Si ß 'the Hawaiian CivU> ehih —«U of tliese point towAv<]| the posstl)ilities of making real progress. Johu F. G. Siokes, formerly willi the Bishop M«seum, told Mr. Tliurs--1011 that tiie Ha>vaiians luul a word tor the old historio spots? of inter- ! est wliieli they ealleA "pana."

Mr. Thur>'ton says? in a tw>-page ,story iu Suuday's AUvertiser; 'iVrI liaps the best \vay to proeeed, lnasI luueh us \ve know there Ss sufficient puhlie inierest iu the idea. woukl be l'or a set-togetlier dinner meetins of thoso uiost vlt«lly interested, i ;ii whieh a seiierai diseussion eouUi ! he liekl aiui !i niulually itgreeahle i phm 01' i<roc-edure mupped eut. [ There are apparently iuany great i storebouses of this inforniiitio» I whieh will be avallable, Among | th«Be are, of courso, the IMshop | Museuiu, th« An'hheA, the Hawaiitin Hisiyrieal soeieiy anU the KHuai Htstorical soeiety. -'i* a sehool, say. at Kekaha, Kauai. \vanted to start aetivity on this plnn, perhaps they could ?ave themselves a tremendous amount of liuie an(T duplieation' of effort by \vriting to an agreed-upon souree for a list o£ the legem3> anil also t»f ihe iuteresting "panas" of their ioc«Uty. This woul<.l sjive them iiiueh uuie «u<3 wouhl y«araiHoe iheir g\>ttiU£ the results of the 3abors of many other peoplo. •If tlie.\ eouhl develop new suiies uot eeiuaiued iu the list, tine. "This. proeedure w>uUl. of vourse, iteeessiiate the fonnation of a een-u-al eleari«»ii lu»use of lnforniatioii, us the friendly and favorable atti uule of the school <lopartnient tncllj tnie,* that ihe «nvi<>rity of ihe I wiU l>e set>ki«ig just sueh | iuioiiualiou. } lt is inoeed granfying vhat there j i<as oeeu an entl»usiastie rev

aud L bfiū've thal r<*ul yrv»jjh»*.s is soiug to iK I mado. AU<li- ( tlonal suggt'sttons aud kofcna &re (vr{«iiil>- iu onier. "I t«iiev«> that my fuuotion in this pr«iHisitiou will be nierety one of 'kokua', \vitli on th*» |l»ubliciiy e»<i, «ml he)ping wiih pr» 1 |iituittttc,v CollecHtt£ ami wmuo\viug out iof eonftU.tluv storjfs sln»«J(l bo in ihe hands of «oiik» one wlio cati «levote fyil timc to thw ituiw»rt««t w<Tk, wlili a sufttciotu b«-ki:ro«nd o( iutimat« knowiiHiee. traiuint; aud to mak? thfir ju<ig»M i ni of sval vaiue." . iu hit» i»tot-> in Adv*rwert? iiKiu<k'd K*Ut 4 rs of e,n-uorsem«-oi fru»i siiv'h protalQ«Qt J««Uu t\ ti. {$iokt>s, of Uw? |iUHttauu msiuruai ; Mns. il*Hhilnhi VVi'bb vt ih«, Ui»h«l> Mu !'«'mti. Wiliium J. tH'lgvr wf Ui* U iiinlUH Hljfh «tthoo|; T. Artuit«c? *»i ltM' TourW Homn F. ltoriieji of Km sch«Hjls; Staott>} c Kt*w e«4|r of th*> lnt*>r i>U«sd Npi vig«ttoQ Co. Pmok R. Grwo*xtt K" 1 K'Wn !!-w n! 1 . M; V Rtiiorj o r ttv >!-srv K:twonr. Pu rtf «» It . Plwh-'p : Orvu K, <>f thc d<p «f jmMk !s;Mru;-iS«s «'l< Al 4«Mi<m»|iiKt i M 14 MH' of ihp l«A«n<1 Kn \ rv, *«;o}»»ru \V»io«* uf l'uiu. K*uas , rr*uk n . r»r, iti-t*r> r. •''<*■«! ■•? Um l v| Ha*«sll; V* K of l'tiu!H»ii! Sti«U< 1 \V*si« r r «.f littit«.lufu . i'hari<*»< J l'**Ut'h t*t tisr IhiUMil*; Aut)i.>riu J r t'mi|ir *if ll»<imUiut A. K K ! .* -k tvt ; M*Uii«- Jh«u«>»- Arxhtv««*. I <Ui*;irinti, &U(li iii th<lU&hl* ouaok.us»4«Ai 4 U. U- ( 1« . -.1 * '«4 1 , , ij»w 4 » . lurrtii<*> ( f. TU4b4i Uuwaiii, l\ Um { r<%**ukt»t U««.«w«h i i<. rt ; Arilmr Kw*t ul llouumu . { '■ i». i HW.HH* k.4 U kte ll ll±%mU, , lu«tvk{% xii IU ii 4 !■> .1 i* u%»4t4;i j tb«t h*\* MtiU |MK4b ym. *»«, !

Mr l'iiunu*» ft|Mi S Ui4 a «u* ««4 1« I >*•»'* M * I v». , W *UU, 41 £MI m»t4i*dii**», 4wv*n l« , i«i«t teMM :mm4 m*m l# k» Hv v iinm&u aM »' ««* [ iv bUBL | ,