Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 2, 10 Mei 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
■\'eneznela īs nunn><l us the eoun ! try'produ''iFipT ihe most oil —and St*s not hanana 011, eitlier, We het we lenow \vliere- most of tli:it kind is I»roi!uoed. DESERT POME Nc. 24 Out on the desert Waits poor Oscar «errtng: Neglected his oii And burned out a bearing. HYMN OF HATE
f>f tili the vieious noi^ep That contaminate the air, S\vinp: han<ls are \vorse than anything For i]i>\viiriirht crasli and blare. We wish \ve eouhl do sorneth!ng To hush īlieiii np forever, llui i i.ose poor sai>.« who make snch noise l?elleve tliem*elvos quite clever. ■ - i 5o īhe ouly tliintr that \ve ean do To keep irom goiug crazy, /s iurii tlie g<jl<luru radio of£-— But \ve always feel too lazy. After seeina a photograph of himself the other day, Koko-Nuts went back to the studio with the intention of kiekina the pants off the photoflrapher—but the f«How had already left town. bulleti!n
"1 haw had enoagli of politlcs aud I have njade up my mted defi»lteJy i hat I will no! again be a for offlce." Now hei-e'6 somethlng ; We ? d (l|cf to know; How many times Oid Kwong See Wof he meant WELU, ANYHOW Su>wurtl oi» »S. WaUloale t<*. Koaaiek llih» jt;i>stMger; **Can I hriiii: anyihinjj up for ,><'U. »Ir?" Lonely Vi«itor Wou!d Llke Oate. —New«pap«r heaelline The poor f#lJow want«d a peaeh but see<vtB to have beer. hancted a iemon. Humania W»vi riKl.t - News|mper headliue. Oh, yeah!
1939 fabl«: Onee upo»\ a tlm« there vt»as a mertham wfio was r«aliy g!ad to t>e calied on by a« advertU!Ofl aaleiman.
W!t> 1* H that \vh«»n ?» w*otaān }»»*» « {uir«»' fiisl of \ Kho will li»***' !t kOIHO Sißi! ?<»r|r* , f whew, hnt wlwii t>as only a ttiln lUim» slv«» »mtMi;rl « iitv of
§Ofn« people w<li !l»ten co*\t«n «*4<y to a pr**fnt day rac!i« pro gf«m, *n<l tha»« sr« th«? aamr peo pU who thrtw thlnfl| at cat« a f«» y««ra ajjo when the fetlne» a «I9M a«rertaSi« t-cm thf to«ek f*nee Pampnall) we pre f«r tkt
A«TfK>LOO<CAI FO«fC*aT n»»*> n * f«f«» r*»g®Mlnc tntfn-.uti.tnal fw a! tlwf *««*** JttM
~, n «,f ttjr Mlkii'l" 'HHI tfto tt%*u a tVrjnan
i tlo"n's plant in Mexico Oitv, hut they '■ inade no seeret of it.
I Miss Yuriko Go, of Japaß, | her way to the United States to ! "do" the country as a reporter. ! just watch Miss Go get '««»• i' ■ , ! 1F IT'S THE BOY FRIEND'S I ARMS
j Wh.-n Uttle t.fivaii<'.iiies, Uw of- | ti« o twerp, who ahvays socms to be i jn ]uve. \v!is nskt»d \vh:it \vas lier j favor;te musical mimber shp saJd it ' was '*The <"all To Arms." 1939 Simile: As conspicuous as a typographical error after the paper is ail prir»ted. MO£>ERN MOTHER GOOS£ LiUk' Jack Horner siooil on tlio coruer Trying to grab a ride; lle held up tlnimh l>\lt *llpped on a ,plum Ana tli!lt's how poor Jaek illeH. SOURPUSS SAM SAYS:
"The people who can't afford to go to the wor?d's falrs are the ohes who wiH have money when those who do go are bacK home and brok«."
HcnrSnjr niany coughsng In the »how Tast nl?ht renilnds us rtf the Rnsrllshman who said, M lt's m>t the eo»gh that rarrles yo« off. it's the cotfin they , joHy well carry yoo off In." Anoth«c nee d e d lnventton around here is an automoblle that witi automaticaliy make !tt own signa!s. Some dr}vers, especlalty wahines. don*t like to stlck out lheir H!y white ha«d becaute they misjht get it w<t. Waiula Waffleinm says she lsn't half as uiueh interested iii Lei Pay » is iu PAT day. ! Governor Poindexter ean now flnd good use for h!s dt*card«d safety razor biade&. tt« ean trim the budset with them.
Our liauiHmm.* Ht?preseutullvo,, K"Wd.v Cu.stu, ih batk frwui tlit* -c Klsl«turv un<l at work agalu ( wIUi iU>iuUiarj, s.uuu> siullo. lt Js rui!n»rvit that lu> an<l Ws oM pixl, lun- sth a of llouokun, wIH have a v>r{ *>f w n'unioii. T!l* two haeholors (loseno a !©t ot cre•Hl r»r aMo to r*»slst ttso « of tho falr sox all iheae j Pr»'lt> \vl*e pu.vs, Uieso two, | «l»tx»u£rii Rowdy at»p«Mirs to be wea ) Ut*riing untl Koko-Nut« doesē*t bo- ' ii<:'ve ht> ueiu to nonolulu goteb ; to the l«>irlatl»tTir». ! Aud tl»t'« iibat ft»r totkj. {