Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 1, 3 May 1939 — The Four Horsemen [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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The Four Horsemen

The above picture was laken at Honolulu a yoar« hpforo tbe pai>»age of t)ie Rehal)ilitation Law. Tliere wore four <$f the<e Hawaiians <*nd « f«»w ila)* after thr rotarn of the Dolegate Pritice_ Kuhio from Washington, a?srmhhMl at Pualeilani at WaikiM to the stihjool **Rehahilitatiort of thc Hawaiian? and after tjhat inon went to town an<l haf! theh picture taken at the Callory on Fort Stroot. as it wa<? tl»e Piinee"» wish, &o that ho oan show to hl? fellow oongrespmcn at Washington hie haekew tlial hro«ght up im[iortant matter for rehabilitating its people. known to he <lecreasing. ihiring the session of the Haw f aii legi?lature. if tlie Tneasure i? alloweel by eongress. They are sitting. Prince Knhio. standihg, from loft to right, Rev. S. L. Desha. Sr.. John C. L:mo and H. 1.. Holstein. Two years hefore the of the Rehahilitation law, these four men hail the iuoa*ure oonoermng tho T?ohaht!!taUou of tlie llaHaiiau*, an«l lator othor frtetul». )oinoil. and tliey were johti H. \Hse, INoa Aluli» Akaikn Akana, V.mi! MiiHer, Attorney C. K. Breokons, ant! ,«overal othors, and they planneil to intro<hiop tho mea«tre and it intro<?nood hy lohn in tho senate aiul haokod hy Do<ha and John Lanp, il wa« iiittoJucod in tho Hini?o hy Spoaker Holstom. It wa? thrtjugh his effort that it heoaino a law and it was approved hy eongrefi« at Washington. īn the yoar 1921 thi? mea?t)ro wa.« pa^oi 5 ! hy tho lrg?f ; latnro oi }lavvaii aud this picturo takon in Kuhio ha<ī alway? referred to these three men as his oahinot, aml it wa? a faet that they had alwaye backed the prinoe until he pae«ofl away in I*>22, Of thie eahinet of Kuhio, one had followod his foot?top«. and that is the late Bev. S. 1.. Dej=ha. Pr.. and there wmain t*ro living. One is Link Holstein who i« "4 year« ant! ?īving in Maui and John Lane. gray haire<l and livmg in Honnlnhi. an<! none of theni had golton the honofit- of what tho f*rurtce had doue for his people. Othors are henofilod hj reooi\mghtg $al»ne*. They had worked luml and «ithors ro;vpo*l tho henefit. KuKio itever forgol th»j« psoture 4Uid lt»# eownoil.