Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 1, 3 May 1939 — THE HOLSTEIN FAMILY [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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The above piclure i? tlic Holste!n Faniily. Readiug fronx the left are, H. L. (Liuk.i Holsteiii, Aoe Holeleiu, Maile Sakai and Kapeka Pires. , . H. L. Holstein <Link) is the Maui, Molokai apd T iin a j representative for "Ka Hoku o Hawaii." 1 He was one of Uie bTgSiriTTCTS iyf this newspaper, He was for several years a n\emher of our Territorial legislature a? a memher of the houee, and as sucli held the poailiou of speaker. īn later ycars he moved to Maui and held the positiou | of Pohibitiou Officcr the lime of prohihitiou ,aud later was a member of thc boari) of supervisors for Maui Couuty.