Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 1, 3 Mei 1939 — Progressive Club Manager To Make Visit To Portugal [ARTICLE]
Progressive Club Manager To Make Visit To Portugal
•lohn, Xeves, manuger of the ProI sressiveeiuh, has pianued a vaoaj iion tnp that will take liim as far J.as rortu = al ; | He will leave Hilo on Sunday, | iUay 21, tor llonolulu, From there i lie wili board the Matsonia on May 2t.'> īoi- Sau Fraiicis( o wliere he will , enjoy a few days at tlie Golden i <.:ate Kxposition. From there he will : p> overlaud to A'ew York and see : Uie World's Fair tliere. From New I York he will take either a Freneh j <u- Italian line steamship for the j Azores, Madeira island, and flnally j Lishon, Portugal, where he has a j number ol relatives. lu fact he has ; ■ re!atives in almost every plaee he l wili visit. He will be goae from j Hilo about four months. j This wiil be Mr. Neves' third trip i to niainlaiKl United States and his ! seeoii<i to Portugai.